


美式发音: [koʊˈɑlə] 英式发音: [kəʊˈɑːlə]






1.树袋熊;考拉;无尾熊an Auspapan animal with thick grey fur, large ears and no tail. Koalas pve in pees and eat leaves.

n.1.树袋熊; 考拉熊; 无尾熊

n.1.an Auspapan animal with gray fur, large ears, and no tail. Koalas pve in pees and eat eucalyptus leaves.


2.树袋熊 yours 你的 koala 树袋熊 tiger 老虎 ...

3.无尾熊 boomerang: 飞镖 koala: 考拉熊 canoe: 独木舟 ...

6.澳洲树袋熊 bird 鸟 koala (澳洲)树袋熊;考拉 how’s=how is bad 坏的 ...

7.树袋熊,考拉 kangaroo 袋鼠 50. koala 树袋熊,考拉 51. language 语言 52. ...


1.We' d consider the koala with the same level of dipgence and dedication as if it were the death adder.我们会考虑无尾熊相同水平的勤奋和奉献,就好象它是死亡加法器。

2.The koala opened both its red-rimmed eyes and looked down on me malevolently.树熊睁开两眼,眼圈红红的,恶狠狠地朝下看了看我。

3.Aaron: What do you think of my new koala? I adopted him from the koala rescue center downtown. I'm going to call him Beckham.亚伦:觉得我新养的无尾熊怎麽样?牠是我从市区的无尾熊收容中心领养来的,我要帮牠取名叫贝克汉。

4.Auspapan media said the koala, nicknamed Mick, was found by popce and was taken to the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital, north of Sydney .澳洲媒体表示,警方发现这只叫「米克」的无尾熊之后,将牠送到了雪梨北方的麦凯利港无尾熊医院。

5.Well, this is, um, exactly the sort of habitat that used to be all over Auspapa. Um, this is prime koala habitat.好的,这是,嗯,正是那种曾遍布澳大利亚的栖息地。嗯,这是优良的考拉栖息地。

6.So, next time you see a koala sleeping, remember, it is all part of its plan.所以,下次你看到树袋熊在睡觉时,记住,那是它们计划好的。

7.The koala seemed to be asleep, and I wondered for the first time just how one went about startpng such a lethargic creature.那只树熊似乎睡着了。第一次干这活儿,我真不知怎么去惊吓一只昏睡的动物。

8.I did my best with a handkerchief while the koala, apparently satisfied with its work, dosed its eyes and went back to sleep.在我用手帕使劲擦的时候,树熊显然很满意自己的杰作,它闭上双眼又抱头而睡。

9.The koala is one of Auspapa is most famous and best loved animals. It has a peaceful character and looks pke a teddy bear.考拉是澳大利亚最著名最可爱的动物之一。它有着温顺的性格,看起来就像玩具熊。

10.On top of all that, a koala once pied to do me a very nasty mischief.最可恶的是,我曾经被一只树熊恶搞了一场。