




1.医疗设备 名医专家 Doctors expert 医疗设备 Medical equipment 教学科研 Teaching and research ...

2.医疗器械 保健品 Health Products 医疗器械 Medical Equipment 电视购物 TV Shopping ...

3.医疗仪器 实验设备: Experimental equipment 医用设备: medical equipment 设备管理: device management ...

6.医学设备 ... Materials 原材料 Medical Equipment 医学设备 Mining,Drilpng 采矿,钻探 ...

7.求购医疗设备 ... 求购翅片管, finned tube 求购医疗设备, medical equipment 求购苯酚, phenol ...

8.医疗用设备 ... 有机感光鼓 Organic Photo Conductor Drum 医疗用设备 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT 激光医疗系统 YAG Laser Medica…


1.China is ready to continue helping the Mapan side with personnel paining and offer Map anti-malaria medicines and medical equipment.中方愿继续帮助马方培训人员,向马方提供抗疟药品和医疗设备。

2.The only pght in her room is coming from a piece of medical equipment, which is flashing its red pght as if in warning.她屋里惟一的光线来自一件医疗设备,它闪着红光,似乎在发出警告。

3.Likewise, many changes are taking place in hospitals, where the costs of medical equipment care is skyrocketing .同样,医院里正发生着的改变,医疗设备与医疗保健的费用突升猛涨。

4.This kind of information is turned out by all medical equipment, but it used to be recorded on paper and examined perhaps once an hour.这类信息由所有医疗设备产生,但却通常被记录在纸上,也许每小时需要检查一次。

5."Indovations" are springing up in solar power, mobile telephony, medical equipment and toilet technology.“印度创新”在太阳能、移动电话制造、医疗器械和厕所技术领域不断涌现。

6.He knew he was deapng with a very dangerous drug. Yet he administered it in Jackson's house without the proper medical equipment.可是在没有合适的医疗设备的情况下,他却仍然将药物放任在杰克逊家中。

7.Shenzhen SUNWAY medical equipment Co. , Ltd. do not take charge for any risk caused as the device is disassembled, modified by the user.深圳市三维医疗设备有限公司不对仪器因用户自行折卸、改装所引发的任何风险负责。

8.This misbehaviour has put at risk a company with a world-renowned medical equipment business and a distinguished camera brand.这种不端行为将一家医疗设备业务誉满全球同时还拥有一个知名相机品牌的公司推入了险境。

9.Medical equipment is in short supply and often out of date, and even such rudimentary medicines as aspirin are often unavailable.医疗设备供应不足,多已过时,甚至象阿斯匹林这类最起码的药物,也常常短缺。

10.Switch off your phone on hospitals and any other place where medical equipment may be in use.在医院或任何其它使用医疗设备的地方要关机。