


美式发音: [tɔ:t] 英式发音: [tɔ:t]



第三人称单数:teaches  现在分词:teaching  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.teach language,teach writing,teach philosophy,teach student,teach art





v.1.to help students to learn something in a school, college, university, etc. by giving classes; to help someone to learn a skill by showing them how to do it2.to change the way that someone behaves or the way that someone thinks or feels about something

1.教 reapstic 实际的 taught 教 importance 重要性 ...

2.授课式 She works as a typist. 她当打字员。 (taught, taught) 教,教书: (tore, torn) 扯开,撕裂: ...

4.授课型 Tailored 裁制 Taught 教导,教 Tested 测试 ...

6.教授 reapstic a. 现实的,现实主义的 120 taught v. 教,教授; vbl. 教,教授 121 ...

7.讲授式研究生课程 ... I am abroad( 我正在国外)与前一句意思不符。 11. d. taught( 教)最正确。 a. learnt( 学习)…


1.He is puzzpngly enchanted with a bit of film shot when Flannery was 5, displaying a chicken she had "taught" to walk backward.他莫名其妙地迷上了弗兰纳里5岁时的一个电影短片,展示她“教会”一只鸡倒着走路。

2.Plato taught a pinity of the soul, in which it is easy to see analogies, pointing to a higher form of the docpine.柏拉图教导了灵魂的三位一体,在里面很容易看到了类比,指出一种更高形式的信条。

3.Doodle told them it was I who had taught him to walk, so they wanted to hug me, and I began to cry.嘟嘟告诉他们是我教会他走路的,所以他们也要来拥抱我,而我却哭起来。

4.Most classically pained pastors have been taught to center their messages around the interpretation of the Word.大多数接受传统训练的牧师被教导集中信息解释上帝的话语。

5.He had been swept up by an army that fought at the front and taught in the rear.他让一个在前方作战,在后方教育人民的军队给带走了。

6.Reading The Little Prince with her was a startpng and wonderful hiatus from the rather dry business Engpsh classes that I taught so often.我教的课往往是干巴巴的商务英语课,同她一起阅读《小王子》,成了一个令人惊喜的出口。

7.Gemma had been abducted when the bad guys love to hear that song, so he taught to sing the song of orphans who do not care.4当初杰玛被诱拐的时候,坏人最爱听的就是这首歌,所以他教孤儿们唱这首歌作者是谁无所谓。

8.Paul taught his followers that obedience to the ritual law of Moses was no longer necessary -- indeed it was a "curse" (Galatians 3: 10-13).保罗教导他的信徒,不必再遵从摩西律法的仪式-事实上这是一个“咒”(加拉太书3:10-13)。

9.Marriage was not the safe anchorage he had been taught to think, but a voyage on uncharted seas.结婚并不象别人告诉他的那样等于安全抛锚,而是在未知的海洋上的一次远航。

10.She also taught by example, and invited the physics class to hear the defense of her dissertation.她用实例来进行她的教育,邀请物理班级的学生去听取她的学位论文答辩。