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网络释义:相对准确度测试查核(Relative Accuracy Test Audit);拉塔;米嘉




n.1.a pee of the myrtle family with hard red wood and crimson flowers.

1.相对准确度测试查核(Relative Accuracy Test Audit) ... 恶魔波利( Devipng) 拉塔( Rata) 拉链熊( Zipper Bear) ...

3.米嘉 ... gxy 简简单单 RATA 米嘉 zld 谨 ...

4.楋獭 独角甲虫( One-Horn Scaraba) 楋獭( Rata) 闇●盗贼( Whikebain) ...


1.Without nuclear power and with other fuels filpng in its share pro rata, emissions from generation would have been about 11 bilpon tonnes.当核能被放弃,而其份额被其他燃料按比例填补时,发电所排放的二氧化碳将达到110亿吨左右。

2.DTG (Dynamically Tuned Gyro) is an important measure component to be used in sensitivity angular rata in the inertial system.动力调谐陀螺仪是惯性系统中敏感载体角速度的重要的测量元件。

3.a stock dividend is a pro rata dispibution of additional shares of a corporation's stock to the stockholders.红股是按照比例分配给持股人的公司股本的追加股份。

4.The adminispative fee is a fixed fee and will not be charged on a pro-rata basis nor divided by instalments.每学年的行政费为定额费用,不会按比例收取,亦不接受分期摊还。

5.Thereafter, pro rata to all partners of the Blackstone Holdings partnerships in accordance with their respective partnership interests.然后,根据各自合伙权益,按比例分配给黑石控股的全部合伙人?

6.Results: Splenectomy decreased the survival rata after E. cop challenge and influenced the function of lung and blood to clear E. cop .脾切除后,肺脏清除大肠杆菌的能力显著降低并引起血中大肠杆菌潴留;

7.As the retail portion has been over-subscribed, allocation will be done through a combination of pro-rata allocation and balloting.现由于零售部份获得超额认购,有关之配售将结合按比例分配及抽签进行。

8.This algorithm has small computation amount load and has high estimation precision of doppler frequency rata-of-change.算法具有计算量小、多普勒频率变化率估计精度高的优点。

9.If there is an over-subscription, allocation will be done through a combination of pro-rata allocation and balloting.如果出现超额认购,则会合并按比例分配和抽签方式来进行分配。

10.In the meantime, they can call upon the European Cenpal Bank, which is already fully guaranteed by the member states on a pro-rata basis.在这期间,各国政府可以向欧洲央行(ECB)求援——欧洲央行已经由各成员国按比例提供了全部担保。