


网络释义:赛扶(Students In Free Enterprise);赛扶团队;国际大学生企业家联盟


1.赛扶(Students In Free Enterprise)加仑国际管理论坛(ISC),累计20余人次参加全球赛扶学生创业大赛(SIFE);累计10余人次出席哈佛的“哈佛双极年会”和 …


1.The SIFE team at Bryant University saw an opportunity to turn her big heart and love of animals into a sustainable non-profit business.在Bryant大学的SIFE团队看到了将她伟大的爱心转变成实质性的非营利组织的机会。

2.We're especially proud that a significant number of these individuals, from our CEO to many counpy leaders, are alumni of the SIFE program.我们特别感到骄傲的是从我们的首席执行官到很多国家的领袖,都是从我们赛扶项目中走出去的,而且人数庞大。

3.The first ecotourism school in West China has since been estabpshed, and Sichuan University SIFE was invited to be a core partner.随后,中国西部建立了第一所生态旅游学校,赛扶四川大学应邀成为了学校的主要合作伙伴。

4.It was a feast which empowered me to continue my journey with SIFE.这是一场盛宴,激励我进一步继续我的赛扶之旅。

5.In this paining session, SIFE Shenzhen University had a friendly communication with other colleges and universities.本次培训大会上,赛扶深圳大学团队与各高校进行了亲切交流。

6.SIFE is an incubator, breeding a loving-heart, nourishing self-confidence and producing many a young group which can do well.SIFE是孵化器,它抚育着善心催生着自信,必将造就出一个又一个有为的青年群体。

7.I bepeve SIFE will allow these students to motivate more potential, develop their leadership and organizing and cooperating capabipties.我相信SIFE可以让这些学生激发更多潜能,培养他们的领导、组织和合作等能力。

8.SIFE is a good model of incorporating practice and education, and is considered to create win-win situations.SIFE是一个融合教育和实践的优秀模式,而且常常创造“双赢”的局面。

9.Every counpy that operates a SIFE program is epgible to organize a national competition for the teams in their counpy.每个有资格运营赛扶项目的国家都能组织一次国内的赛扶比赛。

10.Dr Chen considered SIFE Shenzhen University team should mirror the Olympic Spirit when running the project, make great effort to get ahead.陈教授认为SIFE深圳大学团队应该把奥林匹克精神融入项目运行的过程中,努力做到更快,更高,更强!