


美式发音: [ˌju: en 'əʊ] 英式发音: [ˌju: en 'əʊ]




unoabbr.— see alsoUnited Nations

1.联合国组织United Nations Organization

abbr.1.(=United Nations Organization)联合国组织

abbr.1.(=United Nations Organization)

1.乌诺 Uchiura 内浦(日本) Uno 宇野(日本) Wakamatsu 若松(日本) ...


6.纸牌游戏 ... Labyrinth 2 疯狂弹球 售价:8美元 UNO 纸牌游戏 售价:7美元 Geomepy Wars 几何战争 售价:10美元 ...

7.联合国组织(United Nations Organization) unnavigable 不通航的 UNO 联合国组织 unode 单切面结点 ...


1.One of the key design parameters of UNO for Sun was that it had to be very fast, and provide very high performance.对于Sun,UNO关键的设计参数之一是:它必须非常快,并提供极高性能。

2."The GNOME project has taken a look at Sun's UNO component model to see what kind of integration can occur, " Mason said.“GNOME项目曾留意过Sun的UNO组件模型,以了解可以进行哪种集成”,Mason说。

3."UNO does not depend on any graphical subsystem, but is heavily based on multithreading and network communication capabipties, " he said.他说:“UNO不依赖于任何图形子系统,但在很大程度上基于多线程和网络通信能力。”

4.Mr. Uno agrees, but says he never found the words to share his story, not even with his five sons.宇野对此表示赞同,但他说,他找不到合适的语言来和别人分享他的故事,即使是和自己的五个儿子也不行。

5.Just as painful for Mr. Uno were the years after the war.对宇野来说,战后那些年也同样痛苦。

6.Now 80 and a retired Utah state judge, Mr. Uno holds close his memories of the war.现在他已经80岁了,是犹他州的一名退休法官。宇野把他关于这场战争的记忆铭刻心底。

7.Fiat is apparently working on the next generation Uno which is for the moment codenamed Project 327.菲亚特显然是对下一代乌诺这是目前代号为项目327。

8.In 2008, Uno the beagle became the first of his breed to win the Westminster Dog Show, the canine equivalent of the Olympics.2008年,“乌诺”成为首支赢得西敏寺犬展桂冠的比格犬,这相当于犬类赛事中的奥林匹克。

9.In future OpenOffice implementations, "UNO (Universal Network Objects) is the interface-based component model. "在今后的OpenOffice实现中,“UNO(通用网络对象,UniversalNetworkObject)是个基于接口的组件模型”。

10.For the first time the Uno will feature airbags as standard fitment, thanks to a new Brazipan safety law.首次乌诺将安全气囊作为标准装修,由于一个新的巴西安全法。