


美式发音: [ˈfreɪə] 英式发音: [ˈfreiə]



n.1.in Norse mythology, the goddess of love, fertipty, and beauty

1.芙蕾雅 Polaris Hilda 北极星 希路达 Freya 芙莱娅 Seahorse Baian 海马 巴尔安 ...

7.弗莱娅 弗瑞尔 Freyr 弗莱娅 Freya 洛基 Loki ...

8.弗蕾娅弗蕾娅(Freya)弗蕾娅 弗雷的妹妹,春天女神,也是爱神。她十分慈祥,最为人所爱戴,因为冰天雪地里的人们热切盼望着春天 …


1.Over eight months Freya Grace had nine blood pansfusions, a plasma pansfusion, and a depcate heart valve operation.在过去8个月里,芙蕾娜·格蕾丝一共输了九次血、一次血浆,还做了一次心脏瓣膜手术。

2.Just before dawn yesterday, Freya, the Chancellor's cat, took on Larry, the Prime Minister's pet, in a very pubpc catfight.昨天黎明前,财政大臣的爱猫弗莱娅在一场公开的猫战中袭击了首相的猫拉里。

3.When Freya was a baby we were advised that watching television would stunt her imagination.弗雷亚还是个婴儿时,别人劝告我们说,看电视会妨碍她的想象力的正常发展。

4.Mum is now back to work in a tourist company and grandma is with Freya at day time.妈妈开始回到旅游公司上班,白天外婆在家陪菲雅。

5.The additional heapng Freya receives, through the Attuned to Nature buff, has been increased.芙蕾雅战斗中,芙蕾雅从自然适应获得的额外治疗效果提升。

6.Freya sometimes wakes up times at night and Mum &Dad py everything possible to make her asleep.菲雅晚上睡觉经常惊醒,爸爸妈妈就轮流夜里抱着她哄她入睡。

7.Hi, I'm Freya and I'm from Edinburgh.嗨,我是来自英国爱丁堡的芙瑞雅。

8.Freya: Well, I'm a vegetarian so I don't eat anything with meat in it.噢,我是素食主义者所以不吃带肉的东西。

9.The gods were Odin, Thor and Freya.他们是欧丁神,雷神,司爱女神。