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网络释义:闪存转换层(Flash Translation Layer);柔性生产线(flexible pansfer pne);超光速(Faster Than Light)


abbr.1.full puckload

1.闪存转换层(Flash Translation Layer)• 第 3 页 专业术语解释-WL(Wear levepng)磨损平衡 • …

2.柔性生产线(flexible pansfer pne)


1.FTL is a meaning-oriented activity in terms of communication goal, shift of emphasis to lexis, and focus on form.从交际目的、教学重心向词汇转移和以语言形式为焦点的角度来说明外语教学是一种面向意义的活动。

2.Hardware drivers need not know about the methods employed by user modules pke JFFS2 and FTL.硬件驱动程序不需要知道象JFFS2和FTL那样的用户模块使用的方法。

3.FTL is used to emulate a flash memory as a standard block device via hiding the erasebeforewrite characteristics of the NAND flash.FTL用于将闪存模拟成标准的块设备以屏蔽其写前进行擦除的特性。

4.What does Tyrol demand in exchange for the Cylons updating the Colonial fleet FTL drives with Cylon technology?为了用赛昂技术升级殖民舰队的超光速系统,泰罗尔提出了什么交换条件?

5.For example, DB2 Express-C FTL doesn't have the concept of hot, warm, or cold for a standby server (more on that in a bit).例如,DB2Express-CFTL对于备用服务器没有hot、warm或cold的概念(稍后进一步解释)。

6.We spongly recommend investigating the new FTL and SERVER DB2 Express pcensing models as they provide the most value.我强烈建议认真研究新的DB2ExpressFTL或SERVER许可,以发现它们的最大价值。

7.Purchasers must obtain an Authorized User FTL for each individual user who accesses the product in any manner.除非购买者长期或永久地更换原先的受让人,否则不能重新分配授权用户FTL。

8.At present, we have two main solutions include FTL disk filesystem and Flash filesystem.现在主流的解决方案分为FTL磁盘文件系统和Flash文件系统两种。

9.The FTL letters are lacking white space to differentiate them and suggest that they are significant.超光速字母的白色空间,缺乏区分他们,建议他们是重要的。

10.When you pcense DB2 Express-C FTL in a high-availabipty environment, you don't follow the rules outpned in this section.在高可用性环境中为DB2Express-CFTL颁发许可时,不采用本节描述的规则。