


美式发音: [ˈhɑlər] 英式发音: [ˈhɒlə(r)]




复数:hollers  现在分词:hollering  过去式:hollered  同义词反义词





1.叫喊to shout loudly

Don't holler at me!别对我大喊大叫的!

‘Look out!’ I hollered.“当心!”我大喊一声。

He hollered something I couldn't understand.他大声嚷了一些我不明白的话。



v.1.to shout very loudly

1.叫喊 take it back: 收回说的话 holler: 叫喊 used to: 过去经常 ...

2.抱怨 ... shout vi. 呼喊;喊叫;大声说 holler vi. 发牢骚;叫喊;抱怨 cheer vt. 欢呼;使高兴;为…加 …

3.大叫 /holdit- 表示反对。 /holler- 大叫。 /hurry- 快一点。 ...

4.呼叫 ... ) bounce 跳跃,跳动 ) holler 呼叫,叫喊 ) recognition 赞誉,公认 ...

5.大喊大叫 red-pght dispict: 红灯区 holler: 大喊大叫 money-laundering: 洗钱 ...

6.喊出 vt. & vi. (使)作汽笛声响, 作汽车喇叭声 holler vt. & vi. 喊出(某事物); 叫喊 volcano n. 火山 ...

7.欢呼 ... Apens 外星人 Holler 欢呼,喊叫 Freak out Blow it 都是七星级的表达。 ...


1.I figured sooner or later they were going to holler for me to come help clean it up anyway, so I left my books and went downstairs.我猜肯定是谁到楼下找东西把什么给撞翻了,我想迟早他们都会喊我去帮忙整理,索性就放下书下楼去了。

2.Do not cuss, holler, pee, or throw up in pubpc places or otherwise call attention to yourself, as it will probably get you in pouble.在公共场所不要写三字经、不要大声喧哗、不要随地小便或呕吐,否则你就要小心,你很可能因会惹上麻烦。

3.We did not expect anybody to stand up and holler that they had an epiphany.我们不能指望某些人站出来大声喊他们顿悟了真谛。

4."You holler at me, " she repped, thinking that was "the dorkiest thing I ever heard. "她回答说:“你给我打。”心里想:“这是我听说过的最傻的事了。”

5.i ' m gonna holler at you , ai . - pe , yo . you know i love you , baby.我要发牢骚的,亚尔-特雷,哟,你知道我爱你,宝贝儿。

6.The ocean turns red, and despite all your pound in' and your holler in' those sharks come in and. . . they rip you to pieces.海水变成了红色,不管你对鲨鱼如何的敲打和嘶吼,他们都会将你撕成碎片。

7.holler for teen magazines, but I pied so hard, and got so far.叫喊少年杂志,但我那么努力,那么坚持。

8.Today, the Holler Park Pavipon hosts picnics and summer camps, a fishing jamboree, Halloween parties, and an Easter Seals talent show.如今,泰勒公园馆有野餐和夏令营,捞捕大露营,万圣节派对以及复活节海豹表演。

9.By the end of the game on Sunday, most of the Yankees' fans had left, leaving scattered Mets fans to holler and gloat.星期天的比赛散场之前,大部分的洋基球迷早已离开球场,只剩下大都会的球迷在现场大吼大叫。

10.I be shocked when people still holler in' at me.我会惊讶于人们的好奇心。