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1.辛普森 Sam 山姆 Sampson 辛普森 Samuel 撒姆尔 ...

2.桑普森 (Sampson) 桑普森号- (Jason Dunham) 贾森邓- ...


6.希伯来 Sammy 男 萨米 Sampson 女 希伯来 辛普森 Samson 男 萨姆森 ...

7.山铺孙师应用和评估,也被俄勒冈州大学教育研究小组的教师辛普生(Sampson)和受联邦资金资助的专业研究小组的成百上千的 …


1.borah Sampson was a cross dresser who served as a soldier in the American Revolutionary army as a man for one and a half years.德波拉是一个变装者。她作为一个男人在美国独立战争中当兵一年

2.Sampson told him to get ready anyway, he was going to jump.萨姆森告诉他无论如何都得去跳伞。

3.The Bible tells about Sampson, the hero who lost all his spength when he lost his hair.《圣经》里提到参孙的故事,这位英雄在掉头发时就失去了他的力量。

4.Wilpam C. Sampson, a 38-year law enforcement veteran, teaches crime scene investigation courses throughout the United States.威廉长桑普森,38年的执法老兵,教导犯罪现场调查课程,在美国各地。

5.GREGORY: (Aside to SAMPSON) Say' better: ' here comes one of my master's kinsmen.葛:(向山普孙旁白)说“比得上”;我家老爷的一位亲戚来了。

6.Dr Sampson, a former member of the WSU equine faculty, recently accepted a faculty position at Mississippi State University.Sampson医生是华盛顿州立大学的前马教员,她最近接受了在美国密西西比州立大学的教职。

7.They are entirely organic, and users will only continue to see them if they have resonance.Sampson说,“它们完全是有机融入的,只有当与用户发生共鸣时才会持续显示。”

8.Mr. Sampson is shocked by Mary's reaction, but undaunted. He asks the class the question again, and this time Sam raises his hand.桑普森先生被玛丽的反应吓了一大跳,但不为所动,继续问班上同学有谁知道答案,这回山姆举手了。

9.Dick looked at Miss Sally, wondering that she didn't check this uncommon exuberance on the part of Mr. Sampson.狄克望着萨丽女士,为她竟不曾禁止桑普森先生这样异乎寻常的喋喋不休而感奇怪。

10.SAMPSON: No, sir, I do not bite my thumb at you, sir, but I bite my thumb, sir.山:不,我不是向你们咬我的大拇指;可是我是咬我的大拇指。