


美式发音: [sænd] 英式发音: [sænd]




第三人称单数:sands  现在分词:sanding  过去式:sanded  搭配同义词

adj.+n.white sand,sand beach,sand castle,sand bar


v.rub down,smooth,sandpaper,popsh,rub


sand显示所有例句n.— see alsosandy

1.[u]沙;沙子a substance that consists of very small fine grains of rock. Sand is found on beaches, in deserts, etc.

a grain of sand一粒沙子

Concrete is a mixture of sand and cement.混凝土是沙和水泥的混合物。

His hair was the colour of sand.他的头发呈沙褐色。

The children were playing in the sand(= for example, in a sandpit ) .孩子们正在玩沙子。

2.[u][c][usupl]沙滩a large area of sand on a beach

We went for a walk along the sand.我们去沙滩上散了散步。

children playing on the sand在沙滩上玩耍的儿童

miles of golden sands绵延数英里的金色沙滩


1.~ sth (down)(用砂纸或打磨机)打磨to make sth smooth by rubbing it with sandpaper or using a sander



n.1.a loose pale brown substance that you find at a beach or in the desert, formed from very small pieces of rock2.an area of sand

v.1.to make something such as wood very smooth by rubbing it with sandpaper

1.沙子 ★stone n. 石子 ★sand n. 沙子 others=other+ 名词复数 ...


3.砂 gravel, 砾石 sand, 砂 silt, 粉土 ...

4.沙色 Beige 米色 Sand 沙色 Light Taupe 浅杏啡 ...

5.沙地 stone (名) 石头,石材;果核 sand (名) 沙;沙地;沙滩 compete (动) 比赛,竞赛 ...

6.砂粒 silver 银 sand 沙子色 gunmetal 青铜色 ...


1."Chai, " he said to me with a cigarette clenched in his teeth, as he squatted in the hot sand to brew some mint tea.他蹲在炽热的沙地上煮著些薄荷茶,“茶,”他嘴里咬著雪茄对我说。

2.The Sahara has not always been a wilderness of sand dunes.撒哈拉地区并非从古便是一片充满沙丘的荒野。

3.Half buried in the sand I found a vintage Coca-Cola bottle. I dug it out and sppped it into my wetsuit as a souvenir.我找到一个半掩在沙中、旧式的可口可乐瓶。我把它挖出来塞进我的潜水服里留做纪念。

4.You've got to think rocks as you enjoy the sand and sun. Think ahead.夏天,当你享受沙滩和阳光的乐趣时,你需要考虑暴风雨。

5.A bit of sand sat on the bottom.球的底部有一点沙子。

6.Many years since I used to go there to collect the sand by cart loads , to make sandpaper with, and I have continued to visit it ever since.许多年前,我常到那里去,一车车地运口沙子来制成沙纸,后来我还一直前去游玩。

7.He cast his net a second time , and draw in an old basket full of sand . He cast it a third time, and draw in a lot of stones .他又撒了第二网,收回来的是一个塞满沙子的破篮子。他再撒了第三网,收回来好多石头。

8.They made their fire on the sand and danced round it. Then they killed one of the prisoners and began to cook their terrible meal.他们在沙滩上生火并围着火跳舞,然后他们杀了一个俘虏并开始煮可怕的食物。

9.time passed . layers of the pearl had come off . the sand returned to himself . he felt he was very pure , now he was able to meet his sand.又是一个漫长。珍珠层已经被剥离得没有了,砂粒又露出了自己的本色,他觉得很干净,自己可以一尘不染地去见另一粒砂了。

10.Well, China beats India hands down in economic and social development. . . anyone arguing against that has his or her head buried in sand.好吧,中国不管是在经济还是社会发展方面都是居于印度之上……那些对此有争议的人,都是脑袋装沙子。