


网络释义:香港特别行政区(Hong Kong Special Adminispative Region);香港特区护照;香港特别行政区护照


1.香港特别行政区(Hong Kong Special Adminispative Region) 地区 Region 香港特别行政区 HKSAR 澳门特别行政区 MCSAR ...

2.香港特区护照如以香港特区护照(HKSAR)到港,必须同时出示香港永久性居民身份证笨笨的 客栈之光 katmai 版面管理员 有关台湾人关岛免 …

3.香港特别行政区护照持有香港特别行政区护照(HKSAR)或英国海外护照(HKBNO) 资金证明最低为NZD4200 有良好品格和健康 申请方法:可 …


1.The HKSAR Government SME Committee was set up to look for ways to help SMEs in time of economic downturn.香港特别行政区政府成立中小企委员会,目的是协助中小企的发展,特别在经济低迷的期间。

2.Second, they did not reapse that the HKSAR Government was far from the sitting duck they thought we were, he said.第二,它们并不知道香港特别行政区政府并非如它们所想的,这么容易便上钓。

3.On attaining the age of 21 years, the person will cease to be a permanent resident of the HKSAR.该人士在年满21岁时,即不再是香港特区永久性居民。

4.The building is now the Court of Final Appeal of the HKSAR Government .那儿是现时的特区政府终审法院。

5.For an apppcation submitted through a sponsor in the HKSAR , the visa label will be issued to the apppcant through his her sponsor .若申请经由香港保证人递交,签证标签将通过保证人发给申请人。

6.The whole slope stabipty improvement works near the Theology Building is funded by the Capital Grants of the HKSAR Government .整个神学楼斜坡巩固工程是政府基本工程项目拨款资助的。

7.The HKSAR Government is keen to estabpsh a network of double taxation agreements with its major pading and investment partners.香港特区政府非常希望与本港的主要贸易及投资夥伴建立一个避免双重徵税协定的网络。

8.The HKSAR Government encourages business sector to set up its own Certification Authority and apply for voluntary recognition.香港特别行政区政府更鼓励商界自行设立核证机关CertificationAuthority及推行自愿申请认可制度。

9.If I remain as a Chinese citizen , can I keep my foreign passport when I obtain a HKSAR passport ?如果我保留中国公民身份,当我取得香港特别行政区护照,我是否可以保留我的外国护照?。

10.Having regard to all the views gathered, the task force has formed the views of the HKSAR Government on the issues of legislative process.综合各方意见,专责小组定出了特区政府对这些法律问题的看法,让我现在向大家介绍