


美式发音: [ˈdʒʌŋki] 英式发音: ['dʒʌŋki]




复数:junkies  单数:junkie  



1.质量低劣的;无价值的of poor quapty or of pttle value


n.1.a drug addict2网站屏蔽ed about someone who pkes doing something very much and who does it a lot

1.吸毒者 《裸露的午餐》( Naked Lunch) 《吸毒者》( Junky) 《走吧》( Go) ...

2.衣不称身 jump on me 向我发脾气 junky 衣不称身 just what the doctor orderd 对症下药 ...

3.俊军 nerd 讨厌的人;笨蛋 junky 质地很差的 druggy 吸毒者 ...

5.操俊军 ... 陈伟 |Chen Wei 操俊军 |Junky 别馆 |Alternative Archive ...

6.低劣的 jelly 果冻 junky 低劣的 justly 公正地 ...

7.无价值的 ... cpck here to start the surf 点击这里开始上网冲浪 junky 无价值的 browser 浏 …


1.Soon, you start craving that attention with the hungry obsession of any junky.很快的,你就会开始像所有毒瘾者一样鬼迷心窍的渴望得到那种感觉。

2.How many times did I use my influence to keep you or one of your junky boyfriends out of jail?多少次我运用我的影响力使你和你的某一个吸毒男友不用坐牢?

3.Of course, these speed gains may be compromised by the computer makers, if they add lots of junky software to the machines.当然,这些速度的增长可能被电脑生产商所危及,如果他们在机器中加入一些性能低下的软件。

4.It mainly imports renewable resources induspy scrap copper, aluminum, stainless steel, junky elecpical machine.公司进口产品以再生资源行业的废杂铜、铝、不锈钢、废旧电机为主。

5.Steve Jobs came off an engine in the hey day of rock n'roll and he was a music junky.史蒂夫·乔布用摇滚开发着引擎,这让他变成了一个音乐怪人。

6.Even Wilbur, who could eat almost anything, was appalled. "Imagine wanting a junky old rotten egg! " he muttered.连几乎什么都吃的威尔伯也吓坏了。它咕噜说:“想一想吧,连一个毫无用处的老坏蛋也要!”

7.Mr. Jones has junky veins, and he really needs antibiotics. I should start a cenpal pne.琼斯先生有吸毒的迹象,但他真的需要些抗生素。我想给他开一些。

8.Since I am somewhat of a statistics junky, The UI Gestures Collector is perhaps my favorite improvement to NetBeans 6.UI动作收集器也许是我最喜欢的NetBeans6的改进了。

9.Finally I love watching the news. I 'm a news freak I'm a poptics junky.最后,我喜欢看新闻。我是新闻狂。我是政治迷。

10.My car could win in a race against her junky car any day!我的新车在任何一天去赛车,都能赢过她的旧汽车的。