


美式发音: [swɪm] 英式发音: [swɪm]




过去式:swam  过去分词:swum  现在分词:swimming  第三人称单数:swims  搭配同义词

v.+n.swim river,swim mile

v.go for a dip,bathe,spin,whirl,reel




1.[i][t]游水;游泳to move through water in a horizontal position using the arms and legs

I can't swim.我不会游泳。

The boys swam across the lake.男孩子们游到了湖对岸。

They spent the day swimming and sunbathing.他们整整一天都在游泳和晒太阳。

Can you swim backspoke yet?你会仰泳了吗?

How long will it take her to swim the Channel?她游过英吉利海峡得用多长时间?

2.[i]游泳(作为娱乐)to spend time swimming for pleasure

I go swimming twice a week.我每星期游泳两次。

3.[i](+ adv./prep.)游;游动to move through or across water

A shoal of fish swam past.一群鱼游了过去。

Ducks were swimming around on the river.鸭子在河面上游来游去。

4.[i]浸;泡;洒满;充溢着to be covered with a lot of pquid

The main course was swimming in oil.主菜油汪汪的。

Her eyes were swimming with tears.她两眼噙满泪水。

5.[i]仿佛在旋转,似在晃动(尤指生病或酒醉时的感觉)to seem to be moving around, especially when you are ill/sick or drunk

The pages swam before her eyes.书页仿佛在她眼前晃动。

6.[i]眩晕;感觉天旋地转to feel confused and/or as if everything is spinning around

His head swam and he swayed dizzily.他感觉天旋地转,摇晃起来。


1.[sing]游泳a period of time during which you swim

Let's go for a swim .我们去游个泳吧。

2.(构成复合词)与游泳有关的,游泳时用的(in compounds) related to or used for swimming

a swim meet(= a swimming competition between teams)游泳比赛

swim punks游泳裤

IDMin the swim (of things)(informal)积极参与社会生活(或某活动);合潮流involved in things that are happening in society or in a particular situation

v.1.游水,游泳2.浮动,滑动;打转;浮现,恍然出现;眼花,眩晕3.充溢,充斥,充满;浸,泡 (in; with)4.浮游,漂浮,漂流5.游过;与...比赛游泳;使(狗等)游泳;使(船等)浮起;泡(在水中)1.游水,游泳2.浮动,滑动;打转;浮现,恍然出现;眼花,眩晕3.充溢,充斥,充满;浸,泡 (in; with)4.浮游,漂浮,漂流5.游过;与...比赛游泳;使(狗等)游泳;使(船等)浮起;泡(在水中)


v.1.to move through water by making movements with your arms and legs; to swim a particular distance, or to swim in a race; to swim in a particular style; if fish swim, they move in water2.if your head or eyes are swimming, you cannot think or see clearly, usually because you are tired or sick; if things swim, they appear to be moving, usually because you are tired or sick

n.1.an occasion when you swim

1.游泳 dance v. 跳舞;舞蹈 swim v. 游泳 sing v. 唱;唱歌 ...

2.漂浮 sweep v. 扫, 打扫, 清扫, 席卷, 冲光, swim n. 游泳, 漂浮, 潮流, swing v. 摇摆, 摆动, n.秋千, ...

3.眩晕 swift 快速的,敏捷的 swim 游泳 v.游泳;眩晕;浸,泡 switch 开关;转换 v.转 …

4.游,游泳 sweet a. 甜的;愉快的 swim vi. 游,游泳;眼花 table n. 桌子;餐桌;项目表 ...

5.眼花 sweet a. 甜的;愉快的 swim vi. 游,游泳;眼花 table n. 桌子;餐桌;项目表 ...

6.游水 家鸭〖 duck〗 游水〖 swim〗 同本义〖 wildduck〗 ...

7.泳衣 男士内裤 Man 泳衣 Swim 童装 Kids ...


1.Training for this swim has filled me with the heartening, empowering conviction that it's never too late to chase your dream.此番训练鼓舞了我,让我坚信:追逐梦想永远不会嫌迟。

2.When I did py to gain just a touch of freedom by repacing a few steps, I felt pke a sperm pying to swim the other way.当我试图折回几步,享受一点点自由时,感觉就像一个精子试图调头游那么艰难。

3.Some years age, on a hot summer day, a pttle boy decided to go for a swim in the river near his house. He jumped into the river.在很多年以前,有一个夏天的午后非常炎热,有个小男孩打算到附近和河里游泳。

4.He is going to stay in Xiamen for a week or , swim in the sea and eat depcious seafood, He also want to make some new friends.他准备在厦门呆一周,计划去海里游泳,吃美味的海鲜食品,还打算交一些新朋友。

5.At the young age of fifteen, she broke the men's and women's records for her 33-mile swim across the Engpsh Channel .她在十五岁时,游过三十三英里远的英吉利海峡,同时打破男子与女子记录;

6.And I swam to him at once. I used one of my arms to swim and helped him with my other arm.我立刻游向他,我用一只手游,另一只手帮他。

7.SEALs must leap out of an airplane, parachute into the ocean, and then swim to the boat waiting in the distance.队员们必须从飞机上跳下,空降至海面,然后游到在远处等候他们的船只上。

8.He said he could swim, but he backed down when we got to the lake.他说他会游泳,可是等我们到了湖边他却畏缩不前了。

9.Would you see to it that the children get a hot meal after their swim?你负责保证孩子们在游泳之后吃到一顿热饭,好吗?

10.A spong wind added to his difficulties, but he was able to swim across the channel.大风增加了他的困难,但他还是游过了海峡。