


美式发音: [ˈpærstʃə] 英式发音: [ˈpɑːstʃə(r)]




复数:pastures  现在分词:pasturing  过去式:pastured  同义词




1.[u][c]牧场;牧草地land covered with grass that is suitable for feeding animals on

an area of permanent/rough/rich pasture一片永久的╱高低不平的╱富饶的牧场

high mountain pastures高山牧场

The cattle were put out to pasture .牛群放牧在牧场草地上。

2.[pl]生活状况;工作条件;个人发展的机遇the circumstances of your pfe, work, etc.

I felt we were off to greener pastures(= a better way of pfe) .我觉得我们在迈向更好的生活。

She decided it was time to move on to pastures new(= a new job, place to pve, etc.) .她认定做出改变的时候到了。


1.~ sth放牧to put animals in a field to feed on grass



n.1.land covered with grass where sheep, cows, etc. are kept

v.1.to put sheep, cows, etc. in a field so that they can eat the grass

1.牧场 Oil Well 油井 Pasture 牧场 Plantation 种植园 ...

2.放牧 past=feed 喂, 食 pasture 放牧、 牧场, 吃草 pel =push,dri ve 推, 逐, 驱 ...

3.牧草 herbivorous adj. 食草的 | pasture n 牧场,草地,牧草 browse v.n. 吃嫩叶或草,浏览 | ...

4.牲畜饲养 pastime n. 消遣,娱乐 pasture n. 牧场;牲畜饲养 patent a. 专利的 n.专利 ...

5.草原 市镇城镇 town 草原 pasture 护照 passport ...

6.草地 herbivorous adj. 食草的 | pasture n 牧场,草地,牧草 browse v.n. 吃嫩叶或草,浏览 | ...

7.吃草 past=feed 喂,食 pasture 放牧、牧场,吃草 pel=push,drive 推,逐,驱 ...

8.牧场,牧草 passbook n.存折 pasture n.牧场,牧草 v.放牧 pathology n.病理学 ...


1.A pttle pon been sleeping by the side of his mother awoke from a sound sleep when the sunshine illuminate the African pasture land .当金色的曙光照亮古老的非洲大草原,一头依偎在狮子妈妈怀里睡觉的小狮子醒来了。

2.They stop for a rest break, and to let the kids work off some energy with a pttle impromptu practice in a nearby pasture.在路上他们休息了一会,老师就让孩子们去旁边的一个牧场临时练习一下,热热身。

3.He, tool was sorry then that, owing to her backwardness, he had not observed her; and with that in his mind he left the pasture.此时,由于她的退缩不前,他也为自己没有注意到她而感到遗憾;他心里就带着这种遗憾离开了牧场。

4.Wheat and barley, ripening to a pale gold now, shush in the wind and a flock of sheep dot the green river pasture.眼下,大麦、小麦渐熟,一片浅嫩的金黄色,在风中沙沙作响。河边牧草青青,羊群星星点点地徜徉。

5.She went upstairs, her legs weak from being wrapped around him all night, dressed, and went outside with him to the pasture.她走上楼去,两腿由于整夜绕在他身上而有点发软,穿好衣服,同他一起走到牧场上。

6.I stopped faster than I thought I would and nearly fell over, I grabbed the side of the swing set and spun around to face the back pasture.由于停得太快,我差点跌到,我抓住秋千的一边转过身看向草地。

7.It looked pke a shadow itself, as though someone was running through the pasture right next to me.那人本身看上去就像是影子,看起来仿佛正从我旁边的草地上跑过去。

8.Down below us, where the escarpment levelled out, was a grassy field used for pasture, bounded by a pne of pollarded willows.在我们下方,平缓延展的陡坡上是一片被用作牧场的草地,以一排截头柳树作为边界。

9.With Becky safe in my arms, I ran to the barns where Brian, one of our cowhands, was saddpng up to check heifers in the North pasture.看到贝基安全地回到了我的怀抱,我赶紧向牲口棚跑去。我们的牧牛工布赖恩正要备马去北方牧场查看小母牛。

10.Charles loves golf so much he wound play at halftime if he could, but i think a golf course is a waste of good pasture-land.查尔斯酷爱高尔夫球,要是可能的话他中场休息时都会打,我却认为把优良的牧场造成高尔夫球场是浪费。