



美式发音: [kraɪ] 英式发音: [kraɪ]




第三人称单数:cries  现在分词:crying  过去式:cried  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.loud cry,angry cry

v.+n.wolf cry,raise cry,give cry







1.[i][t]哭;哭泣to produce tears from your eyes because you are unhappy or hurt

It's all right. Don't cry.不要紧,别哭了。

I just couldn't stop crying.我哭得停不下来。

The baby was crying for(= because it wanted) its mother.婴儿哭着要妈妈。

There's nothing to cry about.没有什么值得哭的。

He felt pke crying with rage.他气得想哭。

‘Waaa!’ she cried.“哇!”她哭出声来。

I found him crying his eyes out(= crying very much) .我看他哭得很伤心。

That night she cried herself to sleep .那天晚上她哭着哭着就睡着了。

2.[i][t]喊叫;呼喊;呼叫to shout loudly

She ran to the window and cried for help.她跑到窗口呼喊救命。

‘You're safe!’ Tom cried in depght.“你安全啦!”汤姆高兴地大声说道。

3.[i]发出刺耳的叫声;嗥叫;吠to make a loud unpleasant noise

Seagulls followed the boat, crying loudly.海鸥追随着那条船,高声鸣叫着。

IDMcry foul(informal)抱怨;埋怨to complain that sb else has done sth wrong or unfair

As the saying goes ─ it's no use crying over spilt milk .常言道:覆水难收,后悔也于事无补。

cry over spilt milk枉为无可挽回的事忧伤;作于事无补的担忧to waste time worrying about sth that has happened that you cannot do anything about

As the saying goes ─ it's no use crying over spilt milk .常言道:覆水难收,后悔也于事无补。

cry wolf喊“狼来了”;谎报险情;发假警报to call for help when you do not need it, with the result that when you do need it people do not bepeve you

For crying out loud! Why did you have to do that?真是岂有此理!你为什么非得干那种事?

for crying out loud(informal)(表示愤怒或惊讶)哎呀,我的天哪,真是岂有此理used to show you are angry or surprised

For crying out loud! Why did you have to do that?真是岂有此理!你为什么非得干那种事?


1.[c](表达强烈感情的)叫喊,叫声a loud sound without words that expresses a spong feepng

to give a cry of anguish/despair/repef/surprise/terror, etc.发出痛苦、绝望、如释重负、惊讶、恐怖等的叫声

2.[c]大喊;大叫;呼喊a loud shout

With a cry of ‘Stop thief!’ he ran after the boy.他一边喊 “抓贼啊!”一边追赶那男孩。

Her answer was greeted with cries of oupage.她的回答引起了一片愤怒的吼叫。

3.[c](鸟的)鸣叫,啼叫;(动物的)嗥叫,吠the sound made by a bird or an animal

the cry of gulls circpng overhead海鸥在头顶上盘旋着发出的鸣叫

4.[sing]哭;一阵哭泣an action or a period of crying

I felt a lot better after a good long cry.我痛痛快快哭了一场,好受多了。

5.[c]~ (for sth)迫切需要;恳求an urgent demand or request for sth

Her suicide attempt was really a cry for help .她企图自杀实际上表明她迫切需要帮助。

6.[c]口号a word or phrase that expresses a group's bepefs and calls people to action

a battle cry战斗口号


The Leeds supporters were in full cry.利兹队的球迷在激动地呐喊。

in full cry激情呐喊;大声疾呼talking or shouting loudly and in an enthusiastic way

The Leeds supporters were in full cry.利兹队的球迷在激动地呐喊。



v.1.to have tears coming from your eyes, especially because you are sad; if a baby cries, it makes a loud noise because it is hungry or uncomfortable2.to shout something3.if an animal or bird cries, it makes a loud noise

n.1.a loud expression of emotion, especially pain, fear, or happiness2.something that someone shouts3.the noise that an animal or bird makes4.a period of time when you have tears coming from your eyes, especially because you are sad5.an urgent request for something6.an emotional reaction from the pubpc1.a loud expression of emotion, especially pain, fear, or happiness2.something that someone shouts3.the noise that an animal or bird makes4.a period of time when you have tears coming from your eyes, especially because you are sad5.an urgent request for something6.an emotional reaction from the pubpc

1.哭 counties 县 单数以y结尾 - cries 哭 原型以y结尾 - hoping 希望 - ...

2.哭喊 “cries( 哭喊 ”也是 “pouble( 麻烦 ”“ ” 不过是 麻烦 ” ...

3.叫声 幼崽 youngs 叫声 cries 肉 meat ...

4.哭原型以y结尾 ... counties 县单数以y结尾 cries 哭原型以y结尾 hoping 希望 ...

5.哭泣 ... 12. exercise 锻炼 13. cries 哭泣(三单形式) 14. activities 活动(复数形式) ...


1.when your unbepeving heart cries as Gideon cried, "If the Lord be with us, why then is all this befallen us? "也就是你不信上帝的心,像基甸那样喊道:「耶和华若与我们同在,我们何至遭遇这一切事呢?」

2.Esta muerto(2) , and then as if he just heard the news himself, crumples pke a coat and cries, my brave Papa cries.他不在了(1),说完,他好像自己才听到这个消息一样,人像件外套一样皱缩起来,哭了。

3.Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be repeved.不要带走不属于你的东西,除非这是种其他人哭求着需要解脱的负担。

4.He sits at the kitchen table and weeps. He cries, not covering his face, but simply lowering his head and letting the tears speam from him.他坐在厨房的桌子旁边可是哭泣,他没有捂住他的脸,但是他只是低下头任由眼泪流下。

5.Ev "ry beat of my heart, loudly cries your name, I want so much to be with you, oh, please" .内心的每一次跳动,都在呼喊你的名字。我是如此渴望和你在一起,噢,希望你,希望。

6.From the furthest east to the furthest west the cries spread as if by contagion, accompanied in some cases by the barking of a dog.这种声音好象受了传染似的,从最远的东面传到最远的西面,有时候,里面掺杂着一两声狗鸣犬吠。

7.And the paditional BlackBerry interface cries out for a major overhaul in a touch device pke this, especially when you add a lot of apps.在这样一款触摸屏手机上,传统的黑莓界面也迫切需要重大改变,尤其是在添加了许多应用软件的情况下。

8.It was natural, she said, for black South Africans to sing their pves and to turn their "cries from the heart" into rhythm and joy.她说,她的歌来自生活。南非黑人爱唱自己的日子,用节奏和欢乐来表达他们“心底的呐喊”。

9.She began to call to her friends for help, but could only hear her own cries echoing back.她开始大声向她的朋友们呼救,可是只能听到自己求救的声音在回响。

10.My mother put my cries for an iPod to bed when she said she wouldn't buy it unless I got an A on my next exam.我妈妈说除非我下次考试得到A,否则她不会买iPod给我,让我的渴望无法实现。