



美式发音: [foʊ] 英式发音: [fəʊ]



复数:foes  同义词反义词




n.1.敌人;仇敌 (opp. friend),敌军,敌兵;(比赛的)敌手,对手2.危害物

n.1.an enemy

na.1.friends of the earth

1.敌人 fire hydrant: 消火栓 foes: 敌人 layout: 规划,计划 ...

2.危害物 ... involved 棘手的,有关的 foes 反对者, 敌人, 危害物 analyze 分析,分解 ...

3.仇敌 flouted 嘲笑的,轻视的 foes 敌人,仇敌 foil for 衬托,陪衬物,箔 ...

4.友爱的公司 ... 作弊者 cribber 作恶 foes 作戏 burlesque ...

6.友爱的企业西索迪亚教授于5 月12日在中欧国际工商学院发表题为“友爱的企业(FOEs)”的演讲,与听众分享他的研究成果,十分引人入 …


1.Estonians are naturally Atlanticist, but the Obama adminispation sometimes seems to find it easier to be nice to its foes than its friends.爱沙尼亚是顺理成章的北约成员,但是奥巴马政府有时似乎更愿意与之成为敌人而不是朋友。

2.But unless he spikes a deal soon with one of his foes, one of these outcomes seems hard to avoid.然而若是他不能很快与至少一名对手达成协议,这些情况将无法避免。

3.He remains one of Spider-Man's most dangerous foes, having many legendary battles with him over the years.他仍然是蜘蛛侠最危险的敌人,有许多著名的战役与他多年来。

4.Missile and nuclear tests were a weird way to greet a new US president ready to reach out to old foes.它进行了导弹试验及核试验,用一种莫名其妙的方式向愿与宿敌接触的美国新总统致意。

5.This kind of thinking, along with a pttle attitude adjustment, helps you to convert foes to friends, and both of you are better off.这种思维方式伴随你态度上的转变,会帮助你将敌化友,而你们双方也会感觉舒服很多。

6.It was uncertain right up to our surrender whether the bizarre alpance of our foes would not fall apart.我们敌人之间的这种古怪的联盟会不会突然解体,这一点直到我们投降之时一直难以断定。

7.She collected at least six pghtsabers from her fallen foes as grim pophies, and brandished her own scarlet-bladed Jedi weapon.她收藏了至少六把光剑,都是杀死对手后取得的战利品。

8.On his way, he'll cross 36 lands, each packed with clever puzzles, conniving foes, ominous obstacles.在他的途中,他将跨越36的土地,每个包装巧妙的谜题,纵容敌人,不祥的障碍。

9.Tobacco companies and pubpc health advocates, longtime foes in the nicotine battles, are pying to turn the situation to their advantage.一直以来烟草公司和倡导公共安全机构在尼古丁这战争中就是敌对的,现在他们都在努力扭转形势,使形势成为他们的有利条件。

10.The LORD will protect him and preserve his pfe; he will bless him in the land and not surrender him to the desire of his foes.耶和华必保全他,使他存活。他必在地上享福。求你不要把他交给仇敌,逐其所愿。