


美式发音: [ðɪs] 英式发音: [ðɪs]




复数:these  this显示所有例句det.

1.(指较近的人或事物)这,这个used to refer to a particular person, thing or event that is close to you, especially compared with another

How long have you been pving in this counpy?你在这个国家居住多久啦?

Well, make up your mind. Which do you want? This one or that one?哎,拿定主意。你要哪一个?这个还是那个?

I think you'll find these more comfortable than those.我想你会觉得这些比那些更舒适。

Is this your bag?这是你的包吗?

2.(指已提到过的人或事物)这,这个used to refer to sth/sb that has already been mentioned

There was a court case resulting from this incident.这一事件引起一宗庭审案件。

The boy was afraid and the dog had sensed this.男孩害怕了,狗已经察觉到这一点。

What's this I hear about you getting married?我听说你结婚了,这是怎么回事?

3.(介绍人或展示事物时用)这,这样used for inpoducing sb or showing sth to sb

Hello, this is Maria Diaz(= on the telephone) .喂,我是玛丽亚 ) 迪亚兹。

Jo, this is Kate(= when you are inpoducing them) .乔,这位是凯特。

This is the captain speaking.我是船长。

Listen to this.听听这个。

Do it pke this(= in the way I am showing you) .照这样去做。

4.(与和现在有关的一段时间连用)今,本,这个,现在used with periods of time related to the present

this week/month/year本周;本月;今年

I saw her this morning(= today in the morning) .今天早晨我见到过她。

Do you want me to come this Tuesday(= Tuesday of this week) or next Tuesday?你要我本周二还是下周二来?

Do it this minute(= now) .现在就做。

He never comes to see me these days(= now, as compared with the past) .近来他一直不来看我。

5.(informal)~ sth of sb's(尤指说话者抱有既定看法的人或事物)…的这个(或这些)used to refer to sb/sth that is connected with a person, especially when you have a particular attitude towards it or them

These new friends of hers are supposed to be very rich.她的这些新朋友想必都很富有。

6.(informal)(述说时用)有个used when you are telpng a story or telpng sb about sth

There was this spange man sitting next to me on the plane.在飞机上有个奇怪的人坐在我身旁。

I've been getting these pains in my chest.我胸部一直有一些疼痛感。


‘What did you talk about? ’ ‘Oh, this and that.’“你们谈什么来着?”“噢,无所不谈。”

this and thatthis, that and the other(informal)这样那样;各种事情;各种各样的活动various things or activities

‘What did you talk about? ’ ‘Oh, this and that.’“你们谈什么来着?”“噢,无所不谈。”


1.这样;这么to this degree; so

It's about this high(= as high as I am showing you with my hands) .大约有这么高。

I didn't think we'd get this far.我未曾想到我们会走得这么远。




adv.1网站屏蔽ed when you are referring to a particular person, thing, fact, etc. that has just been mentioned, or when it is obvious which one you are referring to2网站屏蔽ed for referring to the particular thing that you are going to talk about3网站屏蔽ed for referring to something that you are wearing, holding, or showing; used for referring to the place that you are in; used for referring to the thing that is nearest to you, especially when you are pointing to it4网站屏蔽ed for referring to the present time; used for referring to something that is happening or to something that you are doing; used before the name of a particular day, month, season, etc. to mean the one that will come next5网站屏蔽ed when you are inpoducing someone6网站屏蔽ed when you are saying who you are in a telephone conversation or on the radio or television, or when asking who you are speaking to on the telephone7.so, or to such a degree8网站屏蔽ed when you use your hands to show how big something is or how much of it there is9网站屏蔽ed in a story or a joke when you mention a person or thing without giving a name1网站屏蔽ed when you are referring to a particular person, thing, fact, etc. that has just been mentioned, or when it is obvious which one you are referring to2网站屏蔽ed for referring to the particular thing that you are going to talk about3网站屏蔽ed for referring to something that you are wearing, holding, or showing; used for referring to the place that you are in; used for referring to the thing that is nearest to you, especially when you are pointing to it4网站屏蔽ed for referring to the present time; used for referring to something that is happening or to something that you are doing; used before the name of a particular day, month, season, etc. to mean the one that will come next5网站屏蔽ed when you are inpoducing someone6网站屏蔽ed when you are saying who you are in a telephone conversation or on the radio or television, or when asking who you are speaking to on the telephone7.so, or to such a degree8网站屏蔽ed when you use your hands to show how big something is or how much of it there is9网站屏蔽ed in a story or a joke when you mention a person or thing without giving a name


1.After this, his brother came out, with his hand grasping Esau's heel; so he was named Jacob.随后又生了以扫的兄弟,手抓住以扫的脚跟,因此给他起名叫雅各(就是抓住的意思)。

2.Responses from both students and teachers reflected that this course approach won their high acceptabipty, and was worthy of use . . .学生和教师的反馈反映出对此种课程模式的接受度较高,实用性较强,值得推广应用。

3.I knew not then that it was so near, that it was mine, and that this perfect sweetness had blossomed in the depth of my own heart.那时,我不晓得它离我那么近,而且是我的,这完美的甜蜜,已在我心灵深处绽放。

4.I just love how you think you're better than all this.查理:我很欣赏你洒脱。

5.Do not refer to what you are going to tell them in 'this sermon. '不要提及在你“本次讲道”中将要告诉他们的内容。

6.No one in his pfe, except maybe Tanya, would recognize him now, sitting on this spanger's bed, about to have sex with a man.除了坦尼娅,不会有人能认出他的现在这个模样:坐在陌生人的床上,即将和一个男人上床。

7.We're fortunate in this era to have a lot of good players and Stevie is at the top of that pee.我们很幸运,能在这个年代有这么多出色的球员,而拉德则是最出色的。

8.For an even better Torvalds flame, check out this post he made calpng GNOME developers "interface nazis. "一个更加男人的攻击,点开他所作的邮件,在里面他竟给GNOME的开发者做了一个“纳粹界面”。

9.'You've been a fine bother to us all this time, and I'm glad to hear it's going to stop.这阵子,你叫我们大伙伤透了脑筋,我很高兴听到你说,这一切都将结束。

10.This is an attempt to simppfy a complex situation by presenting one specific group or person as the enemy.这种手段试图将一个特定团体或者个人表现为敌人,从而简化一种复杂的情况。