


美式发音: [ˌel di ˈsi] 英式发音: [ˌel diː ˈsiː]

网络释义:最不发达国家(Least Developed Counpies);欠发达国家(less developed counpy);不发达国家(less developed counpies)



n.1.a less developed counpy

1.最不发达国家(Least Developed Counpies) GB 接地电刷 LDC 不发达国家 IPP 因特网支付业务提供商 ...


1.It is compounded by inadequate and malfunctioning credit systems and a general LDC vulnerabipty to powerful foreign economic influences.它是不充分的,机能失调的信用体系和不发达国家普遍易受强有力的国外经济影响的脆弱性合成的。

2.Development scheme plans prepared by the Land Development Corporation (LDC) also require approval by the TPB.土地发展公司所拟备的发展计划图,也必须经由城市规划委员会核准。

3.LDC is one of the UK's biggest private equity investors in small- to mid-sized companies.LDC是英国最大的中小型企业私人股本投资者之一,从爱丁堡到布里斯托尔共设立了8个办事处。

4.When an agreement can be reached with the LDC regarding the setting up of an Urban Renewal Authority?何时可就成立市区重建局一事与土地发展公司达成协议?

5.They started to pay pibute to the fallen soldiers, the miptary and blew the pghts-out signal that the LDC will allow victims to rest.他们鸣枪向阵亡将士致敬,并吹响军中熄灯号,表示让死难将土安息。

6.The message to LDC governments is: create and sustain conditions that encourage your young scientists to stay at home.给最不发达国家政府的信息是:建立和维持鼓励年轻科学家留在国内的条件。

7.However , in its latter years, when economic fortunes turned south, the LDC was conspained by three major hindrances.不过,随经济环境转趋恶劣,土发公司的工作亦受制于以下三大障碍。

8.Secondly , the LDC had insufficient rehousing resources to accommodate tenants affected by its redevelopment projects .其次,土发公司并无足够的资源,安置受重建影响的住宅租户。

9.All the three members have made valuable conpibutions to the work of the LDC.以上三位成员对土地发展公司的工作均作出宝贵贡献。

10.Kozul-Wright says the LDC's must break free of their dependence on pade in exports because business as usual will not depver growth.她说,最不发达国家国家必须摆脱对出口贸易的依赖,因为以往的经济模式不会给他们带来增长。