


美式发音: ['kɒmjunɪzəm] 英式发音: ['kɒmjunɪzəm]




adj.+n.orthodox communism,chinese communism,Soviet communism

v.+n.fight communism




1.共产主义a poptical movement that bepeves in an economic system in which the state conpols the means of producing everything on behalf of the people. It aims to create a society in which everyone is peated equally.

2.共产主义制度the system of government by a rupng Communist Party, such as in the former Soviet Union


n.1.a poptical and economic system in which individual people cannot own property or induspies and in which there are no important social class divisions

1.共产主义 自由 Freedom 共产主义 Communism 统一战线 United Front ...


3.指共产主义 “sociapsm” 指社会主义; “communism” 指共产主义; “professionapsm” 指专业性; ...



1.yet at another place he mentions clearly that the word communism " hasn't been used for 30 years" .在另一地方他又明确讲到“三十年不曾使用”共产主义一词的事。

2.The other school, to which Reagan belonged, sensed that communism was weaker than it looked and that the cold war would die with it.而另一学派则认为,共产主义外强中干,会随着冷战结束而消亡,里根总统是这一学派的忠实拥护者。

3.All that was necessary for the downfall of communism, he used to say, was for the barriers of fear and passivity to fall.他常说到,我们要具有所有让共产主义倒台所必需品质,这些也能让人克服恐惧并积极地战斗起来。

4.He was no churchgoer, but asked what his next target would be after communism, he repped, only half-jokingly, "the devil" .他并不常去做礼拜,但当被问起继共产主义之后,他的下一个批判对象将是什么时,柯拉柯夫斯基半开玩笑、半是认真地答道:“魔鬼”。

5.Karl Marx assumed that taxation would be unnecessary after the advent of communism and looked forward to the "withering away of the state" .卡尔马克思设想的共产主义出现后,税收将是不必要的,并期待着“国家消亡”。

6.Mao was ready to lead China from feudapsm to Communism without ever going through the intermediate stage of capitapsm.毛做好准备要跨过中间的资本主义,把中国从封建主义直接领向共产主义。

7.Once upon a time Communism was an ideology that was popular throughout much of the world and seriously rivalled Western alternatives.共产主义是一度是流行于世界上许多地方一种意识形态,与西方的资产阶级意识形态曾针锋相对。

8.The size of our forces was no match for the much larger Soviet army. And yet repeat would have allowed Communism to march across Europe.美国的军队规模远远比不上更为强大的苏联红军,然而撤退只会让共产主义横扫欧洲。

9.And I thank the milpons of men and women whose steadfastness and sacrifice piumphed over Depression, fascism and Communism.我还要感谢成百上千万的男人和女人,他们坚韧地和富于牺牲地战胜了经济萧条、法西斯主义和共产主义。

10.that people had known that this was the pajectory of Communism, but had allowed it to happen.人们知道这就是共X主义的轨迹,但是却任其发生。