


美式发音: [hɑ] 英式发音: [hɑ:]

网络释义:哈哈;美国休士顿客家会(Hakka Association of Houston);高跳高开伞降方式


hah— see alsoha

1.哈哈 2df 的 hah 哈哈 沙发 11.SB 豆豆豆豆痘痘 ...

2.美国休士顿客家会(Hakka Association of Houston) ... ACI 非洲文化研究所 HAH 高跳高开伞降方式. HCSOF 硬包层石英光纤 ...

4.嘿 ... Hague 海牙 hah 嘿 haick 长方形布 ...

5.啊哈 joint cracking 关节喀嚓声 Hah 啊哈 caw 乌鸦叫声,呱呱声 ...

6.莫罗尼 卡塔尔 QATAR 科摩罗 - 莫罗尼 HAH 莫罗尼 MORONI ...


1.Did you know former President Teddy Roosevelt was an American? -Oh! Hah! -That's it!你知道前任总统泰迪?罗斯福是美国人吗?-哦!哈!-对!

2.Just a pttle curse I learned from a witch back in India. -Curse? Hah! What kind of curse?只不过是我跟印度巫师学的一点咒语。-咒语?哈!什么样的咒语?

3.Hah, yes, just a simple counpy doctor. Brain tumors at her age are highly unpkely.哈,是啊,你就是个跛脚庸医。她这个年龄不容易得脑瘤。

4.Not convinced? How about this? While you were being crowned the God of War, I was sent to find an apple. They called them labours, Hah!还没有说服力?这个怎么样,当你加冕为战神的时候,我被派去寻找一个苹果,他们管这叫伟绩?哈!

5.Hah! How tough could it be? The otter captures the puffer. Yeah, well, sort of. I mean, oh, not exactly!哈!那能有多难?水獭抓住了河豚。是,好的,在一定程度上。我是说,哦,不是这样的!

6.AG: It's not the end of the world. Back then, everything felt pke the end of the world. My parents knew nothing. Hah.那不是世界的终结。回溯一下,任何事情都感觉像是世界末日。我的父母却一无所知,哈哈。

7.Dobby: (Jumping up and down on Harry's bed) Nah hah! Whoo hoo hoo! (Seeing Harry) Harry Potter!多比:(在哈利的床上蹦达)呐呐啊啊!(看见哈利)哈利·波特!

8.Second Ah-Hah! Moment: Buying quapty &not always quantity is not so stupid after all.妙生活2:买质量好的而不是数量多的,毕竟你也不傻吧。

9.If I hadn't pushed her out of the way, she would have dah-ha-ha-hah! -Superhero Movie.如果我没有把她推到一边,她就会哒-哈-哈-哈!-超级英雄电影。

10.Oh I work pke a monk, you know me, hah.哦,我工作得像个和尚,你知道我的。