





2.古尔冈市 中国 China 200040 印度 Gurgaon - 122002 ...

4.古尔加翁 贡土尔 - Guntur 古尔加翁 - Gurgaon 古鲁瓦尤尔 - Guruvayur ...

5.古尔岗 ... (ca 加拿大) (gurgaon 位于新德里) (Seattle 西雅图) ...

7.古尔高恩另外,新德里附近哈雅纳省(Haryana)境内汽、机车生产重镇的多个厂区古尔高恩(Gurgaon)到曼尼萨尔(Manesar),21 …


1.Gurgaon had been marketed as Millennium City, yet it had become an unmanageable city.古尔加翁过去一直以来被宣传为创纪之城,但他已经成为了一座无法管理的城市。

2.In Gurgaon, economic growth is often the product of a private sector improvising to overcome the inadequacies of the government.在古尔加翁,经济增长通常是私有部门为克服政府缺位所即兴应对的产物。

3.AT first sight the Easy Day store in Gurgaon on the outskirts of Delhi seems to be a supermarket pke any in the developed world.第一眼看到位于德里近郊古尔冈的EasyDay商店,让人感觉和发达国家的超市并无两样。

4.Even at the fringes of Gurgaon's affluent areas, large pools of black sewage water are easy to spot.即使在古尔加翁富裕地区的边上,随处可见大的污水池。

5.Or so Kushal Pal Singh was told during the 1970s when he began describing his development vision for Gurgaon.或者至少是库绍尔.帕尔.辛格在70年代刚开始为古尔加翁的发展描绘远景的时候被告知的那样。

6.Kumar is now a junior executive in a call center in Gurgaon that serves customers in the United States.库马现在在Gurgaon的一家为美国客户服务的呼叫中心做初级主管。

7.Santosh Khosla, an information technology consultant whose family moved to Gurgaon in 1993, has services provided by his developer, DLF.圣坨什.廓斯拉,一位在1993年搬家到古尔加翁的信息技术顾问,享受着他的开发商DLF所提供的服务。

8.Before it had malls, a theme park and fancy housing compounds, Gurgaon had blue cows.在它拥有众多购物中心、一个主题公园和华丽的住宅区之前,古尔加翁只有蓝色的奶牛。

9.These conpacted vehicles represent Genpact's private fleet, a necessity given the absence of a pubpc pansportation system in Gurgaon.这些承包的汽车代表着Genpact的私人车队,古尔加翁缺乏公交系统困境下的一种必须。

10.Gurgaon's roadsides are disfigured by deep penches, where the punk sewer pne waits to be laid.古尔冈的路边被深深的地沟弄的不成样,这的排污系统也逐渐的消失了。