


美式发音: [ˈpɑrmə] 英式发音: [ˈpɑ:mə]





un.1.city in northern Italy. It is the capital of Parma Province, in Emipa-Romagna Region.

1.帕尔马 7-6 Ketsana 凯萨娜 老挝 一种树 7-7 Parma 芭玛 澳门 澳门的一种烹调风格 7-8 Melor 茉莉 马来西亚 一种花 ...

3.帕玛...我揉揉眼睛, 不可置信的看著眼前农庄的标志.......Here I a…

4.帕尔马市 葡萄酒;起泡葡萄酒 GRANA PADANO D.O.C. 火腿 PARMA 火腿 PARMA HAM ...

7.巴玛总部位于巴玛(Parma)的百味来表示,世界金氏纪录(Guinness World Records)已宣布这巨型纸箱是有史以来最大意式面 …

8.芭玛台风台北市芭玛台风(Parma)灾害应变中心第2次灾前整备会议於3日(星期六)下午2时,在台北市灾害应变中心举行,由台北市长郝 …


1.Dessena of Parma is also a target for director general Alessio Secco and his staff, and could be allowed to leave the Ducap.帕尔马的德塞拉也是俱乐部主席塞科和他的手下的一个目标,并且很可能离开帕尔马。

2.Bologna are on a fine run at the moment, beating both Milan and Parma in their last two Serie A games.博罗最近一段时间非常顺利,过去两场意甲比赛中,分别斩下了米兰和怕儿马。

3.However, the former defender of Parma was quick to point out that this was just an invented story to further stir up the environment.古尔库夫和博内拉因训练而引起的争吵增加了米兰的负面新闻。但是后卫博内拉指出这不过是一个蓄意煽动的捏造的新闻。

4.Milan have bought Parma out for Alberto Paloschi, sending him to Genoa in a co-ownership deal, and loaned Bruno Montelongo to Bologna.米兰从帕尔玛买断了帕罗斯基,然后以共有方式把他送到热那亚,并且租借蒙特隆戈去了博洛尼亚。

5.He has been offered work, but turned it down because he did not want to leave his wife, who used to be in parma, alone in the camp.他找到了一份工作,但是因为他不想让裹着帕达的妻子独自呆在帐篷里而作罢。

6.After seemingly rupng out a pansfer abroad, the Milanese giants are ready to make a bid for the former Parma man.在表面上排除远走他乡后,米兰双雄都企图获得这位前帕尔马门将。

7.In his spare time, he often scurries back to see his parents in his home town of Piacenza, between Milan and Parma.在他的业余时间,他经常急匆匆地赶回他的家乡皮亚琴察(在米兰和帕尔玛之间)看望他的父母。

8."As for Gilardino, I thank him with all my heart for saving Parma, he's a great player, there's room for everyone at Milan, " added Crespo.“至于吉拉迪诺,我真心的感谢他,感谢他为帕尔马所做的一切,他是一个伟大的球员,而在米兰,任何人都有发展的机会,”克雷斯波补充道。

9.AC Milan are ready to beat rivals for Parma midfielder Luca Cigarini by moving for the player in January.米兰准备在一月击败竞争对手得到巴勒莫中场卢卡。西加里尼。

10.MILAN - Marcos Cafu is all smiles after Milan's success over Parma.米兰—在米兰战胜帕尔马之后,卡福的脸上洋溢着笑容。