


美式发音: ['boʊhoʊ] 英式发音: ['bəʊhəʊ]


n.波西米亚风格(流行于 21 世纪初的女性着装风格,包括宽松上衣、长裙、宽腰带和靴子)




1.波西米亚风格(流行于 21 世纪初的女性着装风格,包括宽松上衣、长裙、宽腰带和靴子)a style of women's fashion that was popular at the beginning of the 21st century. It included loose tops, long skirts, wide belts and boots.


1.波西米亚 ... Animal Print 动物纹 Boho 波希米亚风 Denim 牛仔风 ...

5.放荡不羁的 ... psychedepc: 迷幻剂 boho: 放荡不羁的 snob: 势利眼 ...

6.薄荷餐厅 Il Mopnaro 饭店 BOHO 薄荷餐厅 Bodega Restaurant 酒馆餐厅 ...

7.比达友 蒙古族 Mongol 比达友 boho 棉兰老岛 Mindanao ...


1.What an unusual pttle space. Half gallery, half Boho coffee shop. But then unusual pairings seem to be the order of the day.多与众不同的小地方啊。一半画廊,一半波希米亚式咖啡馆。与众不同的拍拖也大行其道。

2.I can't say I gave her costume an honor grade, however; it was a bit too Boho for my taste.可是她的服装我不能给他那样高的分数,那不合我的味口。

3.I can't say I gave her costume an honor grade, . . . it was a bit too Boho for my taste.我不能说我给她的穿戴打个好分数,……她衣着过于随便,这我可不喜欢。

4.Chuck says there was a detour with a boho barista, but then he reapsed he's a 17 year old bilponaire.说有一条与波西米亚咖啡师有关的便道,然后他意识到他是17岁的亿万富翁。

5.Induspial, exposed brick work looms confidently over the the arty "boho type" people who hang out and chat about their latest art projects.工业化的外砖墙上布满了各种颓废风格的涂鸦艺术,涂鸦者们都在此处并且谈论着他们的最新画作。

6.When it comes to fashion, boho is a no-no, as Ms Stanger bepeves clothes should be fitted.谈到时尚,波西米亚风也是禁忌,斯坦格认为衣着还是合身的好。

7.Boho prints, floral patterns are all the rage in dresses and skirts.波希米亚印花,花朵及图形在女装和裙子上风行一时。

8.Mags : Well, boho chic is in right now.梅格:唔,波西米亚风现在正流行。

9.Half gallery, half Boho coffee shop.一半画廊,一半波希米亚式咖啡馆。