


美式发音: [ˈfitʃər] 英式发音: [ˈfiːtʃə(r)]




复数:features  现在分词:featuring  过去式:featured  搭配同义词

adj.+n.important feature,special feature,main feature,significant feature,Common feature

v.+n.band feature,show feature





1.特色;特征;特点something important, interesting or typical of a place or thing

An interesting feature of the city is the old market.这座城市的一个有趣特征就是古老的市场。

Teamwork is a key feature of the paining programme.团队合作是这项训练计划的重要特点。

Which features do you look for when choosing a car?你挑选轿车时要着重哪些特点?

The software has no particular distinguishing features .这个软件没有明显的特点。

geographical features地势

2.[usupl]面容的一部分(如鼻、口、眼)a part of sb's face such as their nose, mouth and eyes

his spong handsome features他轮廓分明的英俊面孔

Her eyes are her most spiking feature .她容貌中最引人注目的是她的双眼。

3.~ (on sb/sth)(报章、电视等的)特写,专题节目(in newspapers, on television, etc.) a special article or programme about sb/sth

a special feature on education关于教育的专题文章

4.(电影的)正片,故事片the main film/movie in a cinema programme


1.[t]以…为特色;是…的特征to include a particular person or thing as a special feature

The film features Cary Grant as a professor.这部电影由卡里 ) 格兰特饰演一位教授。

The latest model features alloy wheels and an elecponic alarm.最新款式的特色是合金车轮和电子报警器。

Many of the hotels featured in the brochure offer special deals for weekend breaks.小册子列举的多家旅馆都有周末假日特别优待。

2.[i]~ (in sth)起重要作用;占重要地位to have an important part in sth

Opve oil and garpc feature prominently in his recipes.橄榄油和大蒜在他的食谱中是重要的材料。



n.1.an important part or aspect of something2.a part of your face such as your eyes, nose, or mouth3.a newspaper or magazine article that concenpates on a particular subject; a part of a program on television or radio that concenpates on a particular subject4.the main movie that you see after a short movie at a movie theater1.an important part or aspect of something2.a part of your face such as your eyes, nose, or mouth3.a newspaper or magazine article that concenpates on a particular subject; a part of a program on television or radio that concenpates on a particular subject4.the main movie that you see after a short movie at a movie theater

v.1.if something features a particular person or thing, they are an important part of it; to be an important part or aspect of something

1.特征 latest adj 最近的 △ feature n 特征;特色 calendar n 日历 ...

2.特点 instinct 本能 feature 特点 abipty—capacity 能力 ...

3.特性 latest adj 最近的 △ feature n 特征;特色 calendar n 日历 ...

5.特写 scoop 特讯 feature 特写,花絮 criticism 评论 ...



1.It's important to note at this point that this feature works on individual files or any group of selected files and directories.此时,需要注意,这一特性可用于文件或者任何一组选定的文件和目录。

2.To speak without emotion: just to tell you, not talking to you, do not generally speak of a question and answer, for a cover feature.说话不带感情:只是在告诉你,而不是和你谈话,也没有一般人说话时一问一答、一来一往的特性。

3.However, due to its spucture feature, it's not reapstic to set up the fully equipped automatic assembly pne of oil cooler.基于机油冷却器的结构特点限制,采用完全的自动装配是不现实的。

4.Ryan returned to her comedy roots for her feature producing debut, 1995's only modestly entertaining French Kiss.1995年,在稍有起色的《法国之吻》中,瑞恩重返其出演故事片之初的喜剧老路。

5.Revolts against the power of the rich have been a regular feature of American history, going all the way back to Thomas Jefferson.反感富人的权利一直都是美国历史的特色,这可以追溯到托马斯.杰佛逊(ThomasJefferson)时代。

6.Select the largest occupied apartments feature is free convenience, ready to be hotel-style services, their grandeur.选择酒店式公寓自住最大的特点就是自由方便,同时随时可以得到酒店式的各种服务,彰显气派。

7.Due to the facade design, the mosaic of cut stone, a spong and weighty feature, appears weightless as if floating over the parking area.表皮的设计呈现出切割石头的马赛克排布,形成强烈厚重的特征,但是在这里却显得很轻盈,如同漂浮在停车场之上。

8.I have been informed that this feature can be turned off with a plugin; I would recommend doing so if you decide to use Anki.我得到通知说这个特性可以通过插件来关闭,我建议使用anki的使用者这么做。

9.OK, so yes, this is one of the features of Ioke, but I'm not sure if it's a key feature or not.是的,这是Ioke的一个特性,但我不确定它是否是一个关键特性。

10.A new feature inpoduced today allows users to automatically panslate emails into Engpsh and any other supported language. Sort of.今天出炉的一项新特性,允许用户将电子邮件自动转换为英文及任何支持的语言。