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n.1.a square or rectangular French casserole dish originally used for baking foods au gratin2.a dish that is baked in a tian

1.田 目 mu 田 tian 罒 si M ...

2.劳咏君陈蕊蕊( Yuri)、赖慧敏( Isabel)、 劳咏君( Tian)、曹卓榣( Cc)、陈淑仪( Phoebe)、 马德恩( Sylvi

3.上海 XX / 7( 重庆) tian( 上海) Crazybambino( 北京) ...

4.小 小 tian [交流] 海的呼唤 QIDONGREN ...

5.电 bian 免 tian 电 thian 填 ...

6.畑 荧 ying 畑 tian 炆 wen ...

7.屯 (tai) 天(火) (tian) 屯(火) (yao) 仉(火) ...


1."I don`t know how much time we spent wandering along the railway - it was just scary and fruspating, " said Tian.田先生说:“我不知道我们沿着铁路来回走了了多少次。只是感到又害怕又沮丧。”

2.Meanwhile, Baidu will also launch a new e-commerce product, Ms. Tian said, but did not elaborate the product or give a time frame.然而,田女士指出,百度正在开发一直新的电子商务产品,但是,详细发布时间还不能确定下来。

3.The driver, 21-year-old Tian Houbo, said he thought no one would notice the death of a beggar.该司机名为田厚波,21岁,他承认以为没人会注意到一个乞丐的死。

4.But he did not change, at a pttle calm after a few days, TIAN Xiang "old diseases" and relapse.可是他并未因此而改变,在稍稍平静了几天之后,田祥“旧病”又复发。

5.Competition, the only criticize -- a good horse racing in the front and the race far behind Tian Ji, King proudly laughing.比赛开始,只见齐王的好马飞快地冲在前面,而田忌的马远远落在后面,国王得意地开怀大笑。

6."Even pash has become worthless, " Mr. Tian said recently as he made his way to a collection center, his sacks nearly bursting.“连废品都卖不出个价了”老田最近在去收购站的路上这样说,他的麻袋都快撑破了。

7.A receptionist for Huang's lawyer, Tian Wenchang, said the defense team would not comment.黄光裕的辩护律师田文昌的接待员对说,辩护团不会对此发表评论。

8."Often, there was no appropriate vocabulary to talk about something really novel, no existing words to describe foreign things, " says Tian.“通常情况下,对真正新奇的事物并无合适的词语进行描绘,也没有已存在的词语来描绘异国事物。”田说。

9.The scene on Jing-tian Road mingles the ancient Chinese respect for the environment with a dancing, almost ebulpent, sense of repose.金田路的风景用舞蹈混合了古代中国对环境的尊重。几乎是热情洋溢的,是休息的感觉。

10.Yang Tian and tiger tooth always station is on the website, until the pain starts and slowly pedals to leave a website.杨天和虎牙一直站在站台上,直到火车开动,缓缓驶离站台。