



美式发音: [swɜrv] 英式发音: [swɜː(r)v]




第三人称单数:swerves  现在分词:swerving  过去式:swerved  同义词

v.veer,veer off,swing over,change direction,diverge


v.1.转弯;偏斜;突然改变方向;滑出;闪避;逸出常轨 (from)2.使转弯,使改变方向;使滑出;使离正轨


v.1.if something such as a vehicle swerves, or if you swerve it, it changes direction suddenly in order to avoid someone or something

1.突然转向 ... banger 砰然作响的东西 swerved: 突然转向 hormone 【生】荷尔蒙 ...


1.Mundungus shrugged and grimaced; the magical eye swerved sideways to glare at him out of the side of Moody's head.蒙顿格斯耸耸肩膀,做了个鬼脸。穆迪的魔眼嗖地一转,从脑袋一侧狠狠瞪着他。

2.Driving away from a party, he swerved off the road and down a bumpy pack before plunging his Oldsmobile into a pond.在开车离开一个派对后,他突然转向使离了路面,车子经过一段崎岖不平的小径后冲进了一个水塘里。

3.Just as he said that we heard a 'boom', and our cars swerved sharply to the left.就在这时,听到“嘣”的一声,我们的车子向左急转过去。

4.The black car swerved out in an attempt to get alongside her.那辆黑色汽车忽然转向,试图靠上她的边儿。

5.In attempt to spare its pfe, I swerved to the side of the road and rear-ended another car.为了拯救生命,我打了把方向,撞到了旁边的一辆车上。

6.The teens jumped into the driver seat and swerved out of the way of oncoming paffic before bringing the bus to a safe stop.这些孩子们跳到司机的驾驶座上在安全将车停下来之前发生了交通事故。

7.He swerved back into the northbound lane, relaxed a bit, but kept his speed, eventually leaving the main highway, as planned, at Limoux.他转会到北向的道路,放松了许多,但还是保持着他的速度,最终如计划的那样在林马斯驶离主干道。

8.My husband is a good driver , but as he drove down the hill, suddenly the car swerved and wanted to turn . It didn t, it only wanted to.我先生开车技术很好,但开下山的时候车子突然打滑,好像要转方向的样子,不过没有真的转。

9.Today, I swerved off the road and hit a pee in order to avoid hitting a dog that came out of no where.今天我在路上为了躲开一只突然出现的狗一拐弯撞在树上。

10.Maybe the drivers who swerved around the injured woman in the road would have stopped if they'd been alone on a deserted highway.假如受伤的女子躺在荒无人烟的高速公路旁,原本视若无睹的司机可能更愿意停下来帮忙。