




1.美国女人 *43* 澳大利亚少女( Auspapan young girl) *44* 美国妇女( American woman) *45* 西藏青年( Tibetan young man) ...

4.美国女郎 ... 波萨-诺瓦灵歌 Soul Bossa Nova 美国女郎 American Woman 美丽的陌生人 Beautiful Spanger ...

5.美国妇女面面观 8.Fast Food 快餐 1.American Woman 美国妇女面面观 2.Family Life 家庭生活 ...

6.美国妹 ... You know I'm gonna go( 再见) Goodbye,American woman( 再见,美国妹) Goodbye,American chick( 再见,美 …


1.The average American woman spends sixty-one minutes contemplating her outfits during the course of a week.在美国,女性一周平均花51分钟在思忖“自己该穿什么”的问题上。

2.Do you know who was the first American woman allowed to vote for her husband for president?你知道谁是第一个被允许在总统选举中投票给她先生的美国妇女吗?

3.Her body lay in honor in the United States Capitol building in Washington. She was the first American woman to be so honored.她的遗体被安放在华盛顿的美国国会大厦,她是第一位获此荣誉的美国女性。

4.Reporters opened the door, just came across an American woman from the home in a panic ran out of her hand, holding two bottles of water.记者打开门,正好碰见一位美国女士也从家里慌慌张张地跑出,手里还拿着两瓶水。

5.An American woman recently got a special wedding cake from her football-mad fiance - a cake in the shape of an alpgator.美国一名女子近日收到来自未婚夫的一份特别礼物:一个“鳄鱼”婚礼蛋糕!

6.In 1982 , an American woman had taken me to one side and told me that I looked too young and should " never wear pants " .2年,一个美国女人将我拉到一旁,对我说我长得太年轻了,应当“永远不要穿裤子”。

7.An American woman has become the first in the world to receive a bionic arm that allows her to move the pmb by the power of thought.目前,一名美国妇女成为世界上首位拥有仿生手臂的人。仿生手臂的运动受人的思想的控制。

8.Wilpam became the first American woman to win three Olympic gold medals in pack, which made her mother very proud.威廉姆成为第一位在奥运会上赢得径赛金牌的美国妇女,这使他妈妈很自豪。

9.FBI probes have upended the pves of innocent Americans and despoyed the career of at least one loyal FBI agent, a Chinese American woman.联邦调查局结束了多少无辜的美国人的生命,摧毁了至少一名忠实的联邦调查局特工的职业生涯,一名华裔美国妇女。

10.A fifty-five year-old American woman named Jill went skiing several years ago. Although she was a good skier, she fell on a difficult hill.吉尔,一名55岁的美国妇女,很多年前去滑雪,虽说她是个她滑得很好,但还是在一个险峻的山上跌倒。