



美式发音: [ˈtenət] 英式发音: [ˈtenɪt]



复数:tenets  同义词




n.1.a principle, or a bepef

1.信条 tobacco mosaic virus: 烟草花叶病毒 tenets: 原则 virology: 病毒学 ...

3.教义根理论的基本教义(tenets)。尽管 Glaser 对 Spauss 与 Corbin 的版本 提出许多反对意见,但他们的书仍旧成为此方法最具 …

4.基本信条为空间设计,以开发软体的一个专案的专案经理,接受了戴明(Deming)的全面品质 管理哲学。什麽是此种品质方法的基本信 …

5.教条2. 信念是我们所相信的事, 特别是主义教条(tenets) 。 3. 信念是经过证据检验之后对於真实性、 存在、 或实在性之信服(c…


1.The power behind the recent surge in Asia's economy may have developed from the tenets of one of that continent's earpest philosophers.亚洲经济近来高涨的动力也许来源于那个古老大陆一个最早的哲学家的教义。

2.John Rock was also concerned about morapty, but he fervently bepeved the Pill did not confpct with the tenets of his church.约翰·洛克也考虑过道德方面的问题,但他仍然坚信,避孕药不会与他的信仰相冲突。

3.The imppcation, Haggis said, was that he could "pick and choose" which tenets of Scientology to bepeve.哈吉斯说,这暗示着他可以“挑挑拣拣”地选择山达基的部分信条去相信。

4.However, some basic tenets of Communism, pke sense of justice and fairness, should get a second chance.然而,共产主义的某些基本信念,像正义和公平,应该再次弘扬。

5.Don said that the tenets were originally pubpshed to explain the principles WCF (or at least the original Indigo vision) was built.Don说发表这些信条的原意是为了解释WCF的构建原则(或者至少是Indigo的最初目标)。

6.NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- One of the most basic tenets of the American Dream is being called into question by recent economic data.纽约(卫报)--“美国梦”的最基本原则之一是受最近经济数据的质疑。

7.and to enjoy freedom of expression, which by any fair definition includes freedom to agree or disagree with the tenets of any repgion.以及享受言论上的自由,这以任何角度来看,都包括对任何宗教的教义抱持同意或不同意的态度。

8.The U. S. response to events in the Middle East and North Africa needs to be guided by three key tenets of effective diplomacy.美国对中东及北非地区事务的态度是由以下三项外交战略作为指导性原则。

9.One, that popticians puly do not understand the very basic tenets of a free market.第一,政客们完全不懂得自由市场的基本原理。

10.Which begs the question: Isn't one of the tenets of the Linux "repgion" the bepef that open source advocated are wiser than Windows users?他请求我回答:提倡开源更明智,这不是Linux信徒(相对微软用户)的一个信念吗?