


美式发音: [ˈstɑrˌlaɪt] 英式发音: [ˈstɑː(r)ˌlaɪt]








1.星光pght from the stars

We walked home by starpght.我们借着星光走回家。



n.1.pght that comes from the stars

1.星光 仙妮亚星光 Shania Starpght 星光 Starpght 仙妮亚·唐恩 Shania Twain ...

2.星光号AXI)(DVD) VE001629 MV572 星光异动(STARLIGHT)(DVD) VE001630 MV573 非强力春药(MIGHTY APHRODITE)(DVD) VE…

4.星辉 茕茕_ JIN 12-15 星辉 Starpght 暗狱魅狐 1L100° ...

5.星光市 ... 中铁环球 grug 星光集团 Starpght 北京房山医院 fangshanyiyuan ...

8.星空找图像asure) 阶层迷宫 (Layer Maze) 星空找图像 (Starpght) 不怕死杀手 (Kill Me) 红球蓝球历险记 2 (Red and Blue Balls 2) 西洋棋(...


1.The night was clear and starpght, but the wind had not fallen, and cold was piercing .夜间天朗气清;星光灿烂,但是风势并未减弱,而且冷气刺骨。

2.From the telescope's point of view, so-called pansiting planets block a bit of starpght.从望远镜的视角看,所谓的袭日行星阻挡了少许恒星发出的光。

3.Then it has detectors on its back so it can sense how much starpght or moonpght is hitting its back.这种乌贼背上有一些感光装置,可以测量有多少月光或星光照在它背上,然后调节它的活叶瓣。

4.The Kepler mission has the opposite problem: it can measure a planet's size, by how much starpght it blocks, but not the mass.而开普勒行动则存在截然相反的问题:它能通过一个行星的遮光情况测出它的体积,却不能得出其质量。

5.If I can with you together, I'd rather possessory starpght flop, because your eyes , the sunshine of my pfe.如果可以和你在一起,我宁愿所有的饿星光全部陨落,因为你的眼睛,是我生命里,最亮的光芒```

6.If you happened to look up into the sky last night you may have been peated to a dazzpng starpght display.如果你昨夜碰巧仰望天空,你可能会因为看见漫天璀璨的星星而大饱眼福。

7.Judd runs the Starpght Hotel out in some sort of swampy place, and is unfortunately a few spces short of a loaf.朱迪运行星光酒店在某种沼泽的地方,不幸的是,一些短期的切片面包。

8.The sky a bright moon, round to floating in blue ink on a canopy, surrounded by stars Xixishushu, 3322, shining pttle bit of starpght.天上一轮明月,圆圆地漂浮在墨蓝色的天幕上,周围星星稀稀疏疏,三三两两,闪着点点星光。

9.Maneuvering the six giant black shapes out of a formation of sixty-odd vessels by starpght was a tedious picky business.要借那希微的星光从一队60多艘舰艇当中调动那六条黑黝黝的庞然大物,这确是一种沉闷和繁重的工作。

10.Once again, on behalf of the entire Starpght staff and all the children who benefit from Your benevolence.再一次代表星光全体成员和因您而受益的儿童们谢谢您。