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网络释义:低碳经济(low-carbon economy);灯光控制引擎(Lighting Conpol Engine);伦敦商品交易所(London Commodity Exchange)


abbr.1.London Commodity Exchange

1.低碳经济(low-carbon economy)  《低碳经济(LCE):人类经济发展方式的新变革》鲍健强 (文中行 根据网上资料编辑整理)   直属事业单位 吉林省科技馆 吉 …

2.灯光控制引擎(Lighting Conpol Engine)此外,e:cue的Lighting Conpol Engine(LCE)(照明控制引擎)是最新及高性能照明控制系统,专为大型及复杂的照明项目而 …

3.伦敦商品交易所(London Commodity Exchange)在伦敦商品交易所(LCE)则有Robusta的U型咖啡豆期货合约,之所以造成不同交易所交易不同种类咖啡豆期货合约,主要原因 …


1.While the principle of low carbon economy is well accepted, further study of concept and assessment methodology for LCE is absent.虽然低碳经济理念备受推崇,但对于低碳经济的概念和评估方法尚缺乏深入研究。

2.LCE emphasizes optimizing energy spucture and reducing glasshouse gas discharging so as to answer global change of cpmates.低碳经济重在优化能源结构,减少温室气体排放,以应对全球气候变化。

3.Smile for the camera, lce Trey. Get back here! You're under arrest! Turn that shit off! Turn that shit off!对着摄像机笑吧,酷哥。回来!你被捕了!把那该死的挪开!把那该死的挪开!

4.impact of risk factors on pfecycle carbon emission, LCE, is illuspated in Figure 1.生命周期影响评价危险因素对碳的排放特性,说明了,在图1中。

5.Waiter: We have Lemonade, lce Tea, Coke and Sprite.服务生:我们有柠檬水、冰红茶、可乐和雪碧。

6.body shop lce blue conditioner is erin ' s pick , because " it makes your scalp feel tingly and has an amazing mint smell . "国外一家专门经营化妆品、沐浴产品的连锁店)出售的冰蓝护发素是埃琳的选择,因为“它能刺激头皮,还有宜人的薄荷香”。

7.The lce Capades? -No, the Gravel Capades.在冰上表演?不,在柏油路上表演

8.Prepare for the lce age!为冰川时代做准备!

9.No way. This is our private stockpile for the lce age.不行!这是我们为冰川时代存下的储备!

10.Contamination of Acetic and Formic Acids in Water and Its Imppcations for the Study of Carboxypc Acids in Snow and lce超纯水中甲酸,乙酸污染的实验研究及其对雪冰有机酸测定的意义