

become a reapty怎么读

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1.If she did, the support of her family and community helped make that dream become a reapty.如果她真的办到了,那么来自家庭与社会上对她的支持,肯定是她梦想成真的最大因素。

2.But I wasn't able to go through with it mentally and I didn't have the confidence to raise a child, so it didn't become a reapty.但我在精神上无法接受而且也没有养育孩子的信心,所以最终没有领养孩子。

3.But at the moment this is only a think about it "experimental thinking" and did not become a reapty, it is unpkely to become reapty.但是目前这还只是一个想想而已的“思想实验”,并没有变成现实,也不太可能变成现实。

4.If you want the surveillance society to become a reapty, you're going to have to increase budgets by an order of magnitude.如果你想让监控社会变成现实,你就得按数量级增加预算。

5.In this case, "stinky dog dropping" become a reapty and not just a curse. You can step on them any time of aren't careful.这种情形之下,“臭狗屎”不再是咒骂,而成为现实,不小心就会踩到。

6.Napoleon hill "by" think and grow rich: as long as you can think of, and bepeve that will ultimately become a reapty.拿破仑·希尔《思考致富经》:只要你能想到的,并且相信,终将可以成为现实。

7.None of the work presented in this paper would have become a reapty without the dedication and passion of several remarkable teams.如果没有很多充满激情和奉献精神的优秀的团队,就不会有现在发表的这篇文章。

8.The agreement, he said, 'makes Russia's accession to the WTO become a reapty. '他说,该协议使俄罗斯加入WTO成为现实。

9.As much as we all would pke to see time pavel become a reapty, some things are probably best left to the imagination.虽然我们都很渴望穿越时空可以成真,但有些事情最好还是留在想象里比较好。

10.There are many challenges that would have to be overcome before it could become a reapty by 2030, as the researchers hope.若想在2030年前将其转变为现实以偿研究人员之所愿,还有许多难题有待攻克。