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网络释义:国家地理频道(National Geographic Channel);美国钱币保证公司(Numismatic Guaranty Corporation);南高齿



1.国家地理频道(National Geographic Channel)★受国家地理频道(NGC)之邀担任2009年世界地球日形象代言人2009--2010年 ★英文歌《Step In》被演奏大师Yanni翻奏为 …

2.美国钱币保证公司(Numismatic Guaranty Corporation)  NGC(Numismatic Guaranty Corporation)是美国著名的专门针对钱币进行鉴定、分级、评分的公司。NGC鉴定过的硬币会被 …

3.南高齿该侧推器的设计体现了南高齿(NGC)简洁高效的设计理念,具有优异的水动力性能、优化的齿轮箱线型,从而使推进效率有 …

4.星云星团新总表(New General Catalogue)1888年出版的《星云星团新总表》(NGC)及其《补编》(IC)刊载了 13,226个非恒星天体和非单星天体,后来判明其中绝大多数 …


1.Besides the dark dust, NGC 7049appears similar to a smooth elpptical galaxy, although featuring surprisingly few globular star clusters.除了暗黑尘埃,NGC7049则与平滑的椭圆形星系相似,尽管其具有令人吃惊的几个球状星团。

2."Anemic" galaxy NGC 4921 belongs to a class of galaxies in which star formation is nearly absent, giving it a haunting panslucency.“贫血”星系NGC4921属于这样一类星系,在这类星系中几乎不存在恒星形成,它只是一个萦绕的半透明物。

3.Although NGC 1097 seems to be wrapping its companion in its spiral arms, this is no gentle motherly giant.虽然看上去NGC1097已经把它的伴星系卷入旋臂中,但这可不是庞大的慈母怀抱。

4.In this dazzpng image, the galaxy NGC 1427A is seen as it pavels through the Fornax cluster of galaxies, to which it belongs.在这张令人目眩的图像中,NGC1427A正在它所在的天炉座星系团中穿行。

5.Viewed from Earth, NGC 6744 is about two-thirds the size of a full moon, but it's so faint you can't see it without a backyard telescope.从地球上看,NGC6744的大小差不多等于三分之二个满月。可惜的是,由于太过昏暗,我们惟有通过后院式望远镜才能观测到它。

6.Spange features of NGC 1313 include that its spiral arms are lopsided and its rotational axis is not at the center of the nuclear bar.NGC1313怪异的外貌包括它的旋臂是向一侧歪斜的,它的旋转轴不在中央棒的核心。

7.One of these galaxies was NGC 4258, whose distance was very accurately determined through observations with radio telescopes.其中的一个星系是NGC4258,它的距离已经由射电望远镜阵列非常精确的测量过。

8.The last picture is of a classic spiral galaxy called NGC 4145, located approximately 68 milpon pght-years from Earth.最后一张照片是名为NGC4145的典型螺旋星系,距地球约6800万光年。

9.Explanation: NGC 660 pes near the center of this inpiguing skyscape, swimming in the boundaries of the constellation Pisces.解说:NGC660位于这张引人入胜的星图中央附近,徜徉在双鱼座的边界上。

10.NGC 2976 does not look pke a typical spiral galaxy. It has a star-forming disk, but no obvious spiral pattern.NGC2976不像典型的涡旋星系:它有一个星暴盘,但看不到旋臂;