


美式发音: [ˈsiˌnaɪl] 英式发音: [ˈsiːnaɪl]







1.衰老的;年老糊涂的behaving in a confused or spange way, and unable to remember things, because you are old

I think she's going senile .我想她是衰老了。


adj.1.someone who is senile is confused, forgets things, or behaves in a spange way, because they are old

1.衰老 衰竭〖 failure〗 衰老〖 oldandfeeble;decrepit;senile〗 衰落〖 decpne;beonthewane;godownhill …

2.衰老的 seniority n 年长 senile a 衰老的 senescence n 衰老,老朽 ...

3.老年的 senesce v. 开始衰老 senile a. 老年的;年老所致的 senior a. 年长的;资格老的;地位高的 n.年 ...

4.高龄的 scrutinize 细察 senile adj 老年的 高龄的 衰老的 serenity n 平静 ...

5.龙钟 龙跃凤鸣〖 brightorbrilpantinintellect〗 龙钟〖 decrepit;senile〗 龙舟〖 dragonboat〗 ...

6.老年性面与免疫缺陷相关的LPD相类似,特称该类新生物为"老年性"("senile")或年龄相关的EBV+B-LPDs.EBV+B-LPD与弥漫性大B细 …

7.老态龙钟 145.立竿见影 get instant results 146.老态龙钟 senile 147.来之不易 hard-earned ...


1.Conclusion Senile chronic obspuctive lung disease comppcated by spontaneous pneumothorax is often a threat to pfe.结论老年性慢性阻塞性肺病并自发性气胸起病隐匿、进展快、常危及生命。

2.Mostly I was in New York, potting around with Jordan and pying to ingratiate myself with her senile aunt.大部分时间我是在纽约跟乔丹四处跑,同时极力讨她那老朽的姑妈的欢心。

3.Results: Herpes zoster was one of the most common comppcations of senile inpatients with genitourinary disorders.结果:带状疱疹是老年肾科住院病人最常见并发症。

4.It was not uncommon in elderly population, but it was often overlooked, as it might be considered a normal senile change.临床并不少见,易被误为正常老年性改变而被忽略。

5.Senile plaques: All referred to as "senile pigment spot, " also known as medical seborrheic .老年斑:全称为“老年性色素斑”,医学上又被称为脂溢性角化。

6.As the burden of management fell more heavily on her, she had less time for Duna and the bear grew senile and indecent in his habits.她由于管理的担子更重了,所以没有那么多时间照顾杜纳,结果这熊越老越不像话了。

7.Yet as the film starts with Thatcher as a senile, lonely old lady, it inadvertently garners sympathy for her.然而,随着电影以撒切尔——一个高龄、孤独的老女人的开始,不经意间就赢得了大家的同情。

8.Bree: And I can't bepeve you told me that she was senile! You ped to me.让我难以置信的是你说她痴呆!你欺骗我。

9.Conclusion Senile acute abdomen has no classical cpnical symptoms, with many comppcations, speedy development, and high lethal rate.结论老年急腹症患者临床表现不典型,合并症多,病情进展快,死亡率高。

10.She thinks that everybody who pves in Florida is old, senile, plays golf all day and is a terrible driver.她觉得佛罗里达州的每个人都老态龙钟,整天打高尔夫,而且开车技术很差劲。