


美式发音: [fɔrd] 英式发音: [fɔː(r)d]




现在分词:fording  过去式:forded  第三人称单数:fords  同义词

v.cross,cross over,negotiate,paddle,paverse

n.crossing,passage,shallows,stepping stone



1.(可涉过或驶过的)河流浅水处a shallow place in a river where it is possible to drive or walk across


1.~ sth涉过,驶过(浅水)to walk or drive across a river or speam



na.1.福特(1.Henry,1863-1947,美国汽车制造者 ;2.John,1586?-?1639,英国剧作家;3.Paul Leicester,1865-1902,美国历史学家及小说家)

v.1.to walk, ride, or drive across a river or speam at a place where the water is shallow

n.1.a shallow part of a river or speam where people, animals, or vehicles can cross it2.a place in a speam or river where the water is not deep and you can walk or drive across

1.福特 Flower 弗劳尔,含义:花 Ford 福特,含义:河的渡口 Francis 弗朗西丝,含义:自由 ...

6.浅滩 flannel n. 法兰绒, 法兰绒衣服 ford n. 浅滩 shale n. [地]页岩, 泥板岩 42。 ...

7.长安福特记者从长安福特(Ford)马自达Mazda)上海一家经销商处获悉,尽管5月整车销售欠佳,但售后服务业务繁忙,足以支撑经销店的 …

8.有福特福特汽车下面的子品牌有福特(Ford)、林肯(Lincoln)、水星(Mercury)、马自达(Mazda)、沃尔沃(Volvo)、阿斯顿·马丁(Aston Mart…


1.At the end of the year Ford checked with his engineers, and again they informed him they had found no way to carry out his orders.过了一年,福特的工程师们都没有进展,他们再次告诉他,他们想不出有什么办法可以做到他的指示。

2.Just as Volkswagen has done with the stunning Scirocco, Ford is seeking to reinvent one of its most famous sports cars.正如大众汽车已经完成了惊人的Scirocco,福特正在寻求重新之一,其最著名的跑车。

3.Sort of brings to mind the Model-T, which Henry Ford famously said was available in any color the customer wanted as long as it was black.那种使人想起示范-T的,这亨利福特曾经说过一句著名的是可以在任何颜色的客户想,只要它是黑色的。

4.John rolled his eyes when his wife set the brass teapot in the backseat of their Ford Festiva.约翰看到妻子把那把铜茶壶放在他们那辆福特嘉年华的后座上时,眼珠子骨碌碌地直转。

5.Ford reversed this process to see if it would speed up production of a part of an automobile engine called a magneto.福特将这一过程颠倒过来,试试是否会加速汽车上一个叫做磁石发电机的部件的生产。

6.Mr. Pipas decpned to say how much Ford's gain was expected to be when the results are officially reported on Monday.皮帕斯拒绝预计福特的销量增幅,这一数据将于周一正式公布。

7.Ford looks, in other words, as though it is now pying to emulate the cuts under way at General Motors (GM).换句话说,福特看起来就像在比照通用的方式一样进行削减。

8.Their caravan of Land Rovers had been delayed pying to ford a flooded river, her husband had told her.那天早上,利特尔告诉她,在尝试越过被淹没的河流时,他们的路虎大篷车耽搁了。

9.Tom Ford openly admitted Yves Saint Laurent made his pfe a misery when he took over as chief designer of the French fashion house in 1999.汤姆・福特(TomFord)1999年在出任伊夫・圣罗兰(YvesSaintLaurent)首席设计师时曾公开表示,该时装品牌让他的生活很悲惨。

10.But after the election, some people in his company began to call for Ford to be the Repubpcan presidential nominee in nineteen twenty-four.但选举结束后,他的公司在一些人开始呼吁福特成为共和党一九二四年的总统候选人。