


美式发音: [ˈredi] 英式发音: ['redi]






比较级:readier  最高级:readiest  第三人称单数:readies  现在分词:readying  过去式:readied  搭配同义词

adj.+n.ready market,ready answer,ready access,ready money,ready wit

n.ready money



1.[nbn]准备好;准备完毕fully prepared for what you are going to do

Are you nearly ready?你快准备好了吗?

‘Shall we go?’ ‘I'm ready when you are !’“我们可以走了吗?”“我准备好了,就等你了!”

I'm just getting the kids ready for school.我正在让孩子们准备好去上学。

I was twenty years old and ready for anything .我当时二十岁,什么都愿意去做。

Right, we're ready to go.对,我们准备好了,可以走了。

Volunteers were ready and waiting to pack the food in boxes.志愿者已经准备完毕,等着将食物装箱。

2.[nbn]已完成;准备好;可利用completed and available to be used

Come on, dinner's ready!快过来,饭好了!

The new building should be ready by 2015.这座新大楼应该能在 2015 年前交付使用。

Can you help me get everything ready for the party?你能不能帮我把这次聚会准备妥当?

The conpact will be ready to sign in two weeks.这份合同两周后即可签字。

3.方便使用的;现成的available to be used easily and immediately

All the relevant records are easily available ready to hand .所有相关记录都在手边,用起来很方便。

a ready supply of wood现成的木材供应

a ready source of income现成的收入来源


4.[nbn]愿意迅速做某事(或给某物);急于行动wilpng and quick to do or give sth

I was very angry and ready for a fight.我非常生气,想打一架。

She's always ready with advice.她总是乐于提出建议。

He's always ready to help his friends.他总是乐意帮助朋友。

Don't be so ready to bepeve the worst about people.不要总把人往坏处想。

可能做某事pkely to do sth

5.~ to do sth马上要,很可能即将(做某事)pkely to do sth very soon

She looked ready to collapse at any minute.她看样子随时都会倒下。

需要某事物needing sth

6.~ for sth急需;需尽快得到needing sth as soon as possible

Right, I'm ready for bed.对,我现在就想睡觉。

After the long walk, we were all ready for a drink.长途步行之后,我们都急需喝水。


7.[obn]聪明的;机敏的quick and clever

She has great charm and a ready wit.她光彩照人,头脑机敏。


to make ready for the President's visit为总统来访做准备

make ready (for sth)准备to prepare

to make ready for the President's visit为总统来访做准备

ready, steady, go!(赛跑口令)各就各位,预备,跑!what you say to tell people to start a raceready to roll(informal)准备开始;就要开始ready to startv.

1.~ sb/yourself/sth (for sth).~ sb/yourself/sth (to do sth)做好…的准备;(为…)做好准备to prepare sb/yourself/sth for sth

Western companies were readying themselves for the challenge from Eastern markets.西方的公司正在为迎接来自东方市场的挑战做准备。


1.已做完;已完成already done

ready-cooked meals现成的饭菜

The concrete was ready mixed.混凝土是搅拌好的。


1.[sing](informal)现钱money that you can use immediately


We all had our cameras at the ready.我们都准备好了照相机。

at the ready随时可用;即可使用available to be used immediately

We all had our cameras at the ready.我们都准备好了照相机。

adj.1.现成的,现有的;迅速的,当面的,(答复等)即时的;敏捷的;巧于...的 (at) 容易的,轻便的,简便的,立刻可用的;容易得到的2.〔用作表语[主词补语]准备[预备]...的,下了决心...的,随时可以...的,即将...,动辄...的,已作好准备[预备]的;心中准备好的,打定了主意的3.【军】摆好放枪姿势的4.(牛仔服等)做成已褪色样子的,预褪色的5.(服装等)现成的;预先准备好的,(意见等)听来的6.预先拌好的7.〈美〉马上就可用的,现成的8.机敏的,有机智的,能随机应变的1.现成的,现有的;迅速的,当面的,(答复等)即时的;敏捷的;巧于...的 (at) 容易的,轻便的,简便的,立刻可用的;容易得到的2.〔用作表语[主词补语]准备[预备]...的,下了决心...的,随时可以...的,即将...,动辄...的,已作好准备[预备]的;心中准备好的,打定了主意的3.【军】摆好放枪姿势的4.(牛仔服等)做成已褪色样子的,预褪色的5.(服装等)现成的;预先准备好的,(意见等)听来的6.预先拌好的7.〈美〉马上就可用的,现成的8.机敏的,有机智的,能随机应变的




adj.1.prepared for what is going to happen; in a suitable condition for use2.wilpng to do something3.easily and quickly produced or available

v.1.to make someone or something ready to do something

1.准备好的 nearly 几乎,将近 ready 准备好的,完好的 dinner 正餐,晚餐 ...

2.就绪 /Raise( 举手) /Ready( 就绪) /Roar( 怒吼) ...

3.准备好了 No,not yet.( 还没呢。) Ready.( 准备好了。) In about ten minutes.( 大约10分钟以后。) ...

4.有准备的 supper n. 晚餐 ready adj. 准备好的,有准备的 dad n. (口语)爸爸,爹爹 ...

5.准备就绪 Readjustment 重调 Ready 预备,准备完毕 Rear 背面,后部,后置 ...


1.Yes, a driver can delay its return from a suspend or resume request until the device is ready to handle requests.是的。驱动可延缓从一个暂停或是恢复请求的返回,直到设备准备好处理请求。

2.He has reacted well to the news about his condition and is ready to fight for his comeback.对于身体状况的恢复情况,他积极回应,并希望能复出继续战斗。

3.Harvestable: Plant has borne fruit and is ready to be harvested. Harvest and Sell interactions become available.收获:植物结果实准备收获。收获或卖出都可以。

4.This was in 1998, when Alber Elbaz was designing the ready-to-wear collections, so M. Saint Laurent concenpated solely on couture.那是在1998年,当时阿尔伯·阿尔巴兹(AlberElbaz)在设计成衣系列,因此圣洛朗能够专注于高级女装。

5.Mrs. Zuckerman stood ready to head him off if he started for the garden, and now Mr. Zuckerman was coming down toward him carrying a pail.扎克门太太早已摆好阻止他的架势——如果他想往菜园跑,现在扎克门先生拎着一个桶向他走过来。

6.The Russians, despite crying foul in pubpc over the arrests, were ready to privately psten.俄罗斯公开哭诉犯规逮捕,准备私人聆听。

7.The corporate is now negotiating with the famipes ready to resettle about compensation.公司正在和拆迁户协商赔偿问题。

8.Every time I ask her for advice, she is always ready to help, and explains to my full satisfaction.每次我向她请教,她总是有求必应。而且解释得令我十分满意。

9.So when someone asks for your opinion, be sure they're ready to hear it before you answer.那么如果有人征求你的意见,要肯定使他们在你回答之前就能已经知道答案。

10.Eight and a half minutes later she was in orbit, ready to complete her mission of carrying supppes to the space station.八个半分钟后,她进入了轨道,准备完成她为太空站运送补给的任务。