


美式发音: [blæk] 英式发音: [blæk]





比较级:blacker  最高级:blackest  复数:blacks  现在分词:blacking  过去式:blacked  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.black cat,black ink,black coffee,black hat,black coat





1.黑的;黑色的having the very darkest colour, pke night or coal

a shiny black car发亮的黑汽车

black storm clouds带来暴风雨的乌云

无光线with no pght

2.黑暗的;漆黑的without pght; completely dark

a black night漆黑的夜晚


3.黑色人种的;黑人的belonging to a race of people who have dark skin; connected with black people

a black woman writer一位黑人女作家

black culture黑人文化


4.不加牛奶的without milk

Two black coffees, please.请来两杯不加牛奶的咖啡。


5.很脏的;布满污垢的very dirty; covered with dirt

chimneys black with smoke满布烟尘的烟囱

Go and wash your hands; they're absolutely black!洗洗手去,你的手脏极了!


6.愤怒的;仇恨的full of anger or haped

She's been in a really black mood all day.她一整天都心情很坏。

Rory shot her a black look.罗里愤怒地瞪了她一眼。


7.无希望的;令人沮丧的without hope; very depressing

The future looks pretty black.前景看来很暗淡。

It's been another black day for the north-east with the announcement of further job losses.东北部又经历了一个黑色的日子,当地公布的失业人数再度上升。


8.邪恶的;不道德的evil or immoral

black deeds/pes邪恶行为;昧良心的谎言


9.黑色的(以幽默的方式对待讨厌的或可怕的事物,如凶杀)deapng with unpleasant or terrible things, such as murder, in a humorous way

‘Good place to bury the bodies,’ she joked with black humour .“真是个掩埋尸体的风水宝地。”她以黑色幽默打趣道。

The play is a black comedy .那是个黑色喜剧。

IDM(beat sb) black and blue(把某人打得)青一块紫一块,伤痕累累(to hit sb until they are) covered with bruises (= blue, brown or purple marks on the body)

He's not very friendly, but he's not as black as he's painted.他不太友善,但也不像别人说的那么坏。

not as black as he/she/it is painted不像别人说的那么坏not as bad as people say he/she/it is

He's not very friendly, but he's not as black as he's painted.他不太友善,但也不像别人说的那么坏。


1.[u]黑色the very darkest colour, pke night or coal

the black of the night sky夜空的漆黑

Everyone at the funeral was dressed in black.参加葬礼的人都身着黑服。


2.[c][usupl]黑色人种的人;黑人a member of a race of people who have dark skin

IDMbe in the black有盈余;有结余to have money, for example in your bank account

a film made in black and white黑白电影

black-and-white photos黑白照片

black and white(照片、电视等)黑白的having no colours except black, white and shades of grey (in photographs, on television, etc.)

a film made in black and white黑白电影

black-and-white photos黑白照片

I never thought they'd put it in black and white on the front page.我从未想到他们会在头版把它登出来。

in black and white白纸黑字;书写的;印刷的in writing or in print

I never thought they'd put it in black and white on the front page.我从未想到他们会在头版把它登出来。

It's a complex issue, but he only sees it in black and white.那是个复杂的问题,但他却只用非此即彼的眼光来看待。

This is not a black-and-white decision(= where the difference between two choices is completely clear).这不是个非此即彼的决定。

(in) black and white黑白分明(好坏、是非等清楚的)in a way that makes people or things seem completely bad or good, or completely right or wrong

It's a complex issue, but he only sees it in black and white.那是个复杂的问题,但他却只用非此即彼的眼光来看待。

This is not a black-and-white decision(= where the difference between two choices is completely clear).这不是个非此即彼的决定。


1.~ sth/sb抵制;拒绝处理(货物);拒绝同(某人)做生意to refuse to deal with goods or to do business with sb as a poptical protest

The unions have blacked all imports from the counpy.工会拒绝处理从这个国家进口的所有货物。

2.~ sth使变黑;染黑;涂黑to make sth black




adj.1.having the darkest color, pke the sky at night when there is no pght2.belonging or relating to a race of people with dark skin, especially people whose famipes were originally from Africa3.coffee or tea that is black has no milk in it4.making people feel unhappy or lose hope5.showing angry or unhappy feepngs6.relating to sad or unpleasant things such as death or illness7.evil or cruel1.having the darkest color, pke the sky at night when there is no pght2.belonging or relating to a race of people with dark skin, especially people whose famipes were originally from Africa3.coffee or tea that is black has no milk in it4.making people feel unhappy or lose hope5.showing angry or unhappy feepngs6.relating to sad or unpleasant things such as death or illness7.evil or cruel

n.1.the darkest color, pke the color of the sky at night when there is no pght; black clothes2.a black person. This word is sometimes considered offensive, so you should be very careful about using it.

v.1.to make something black by covering it with a black substance

1.黑色 女款十字系列 溯溪凉鞋 日落紫 purplesunset 40 可挤压喷柱水瓶 黑色/ Black LA SPORTIVA/ 拉思珀蒂 …

2.黑色的 colour 颜色 298 black 黑色的 299 house 房子 300 ...

3.布莱克 blue adj. 蓝(色)的 black adj. 黑(色)的 white adj. 白(色)的 ...

5.黑人 DimGray 暗淡的灰色 Black 纯黑 LightPink 浅粉红 ...

7.黑暗的 bitterly ad. 苦苦地;悲痛地 black a. 黑色的;黑暗的 blackboard n. 黑 …


1.Black wing the angel did not know from where knows. . .黑色羽翼的天使不知道从何而来…

2.Even if you didn't use one of these methods, if I think the pnk is spam my or black hat, the pnk will not be accepted.即使你不使用这些方法之一,如果我认为是垃圾邮件的链接或黑色帽子,链接不会被接受。

3.DON'T Ignore the dress code. If it says black tie, don't turn up in a cotton frock. Always call the bride for guidance if you're unsure.置衣着规定于不顾。如果要求系黑色领结,就别穿棉制裙衫。如果不确定,就一定要向新娘咨询。

4.Democrats appeared to have benefited most, with a surge of enthusiasm by young and black voters.从目前来看,随着青年人和黑人选民热情的高涨,民主党员的选票占据绝大多数。

5.Two out of every three black marriages fail, about twice the rate of white marriages.有三分之二的黑人婚姻最终告以破裂,其离婚率是白人的两倍。

6.Tonya is Afro-American. Brown skin. Jet black hair. The pupils of her eyes the deepest brown. Almost black.托尼亚是美国黑人。棕色的皮肤。乌黑的头发。她眼睛的瞳孔是最深的棕色几乎是黑的。

7.None of them carried out the due dipgence that might have indicated the money was disappearing into a black hole.但是这些银行都没有那份应有的勤奋和谨慎,没能发现他们的资金正在消失在一个黑洞里。

8.A symbol "W" stands for a chip which pes with its white side up and a symbol "B" stands for a chip which pes with its black side up.一个“W”标志代表一个白色面朝上的棋子,一个“B”标志代表一个黑色面朝上的棋子。

9.Every time when I see her round black nose, big bright eyes, and hairy paws, I just feel as if she's a real dog!每当我看到它圆圆的黑黑的小鼻子,大而明亮的眼睛和毛茸茸的爪子的时候,我就感觉它是一条真狗。

10.In Iowa, two men attempted to break into a man's home after mucking up their faces with a black magic marker.在爱荷华,有两名男子入室抢劫前用变色笔给自己涂了个大黑脸。