


美式发音: [baɪ] 英式发音: [baɪ]




过去式:bought  第三人称单数:buys  现在分词:buying  搭配反义词

v.+n.buy ticket,buy goods,buy pair,buy equipment,buy everything

adv.+v.probably buy



buy显示所有例句v.用钱with money

1.[t][i]买;购买to obtain sth by paying money for it

Where did you buy that dress?那件连衣裙你是在哪里买的?

If you're thinking of getting a new car, now is a good time to buy.你要是想买辆新车的话,现在正是时候。

I bought it from a friend for £10.这是我从朋友那里花 10 英镑买来的。

He bought me a new coat.他给我买了一件新外套。

He bought a new coat for me.他给我买了一件新外套。

I bought my car second-hand.我买了一辆二手车。

2.[t]~ sth够支付to be enough to pay for sth

He gave his children the best education that money can buy.他让孩子们接受花钱能买到的最好的教育。

Five pounds doesn't buy much nowadays.如今五英镑买不到多少东西了。

3.[t]~ sb买通;收买;贿赂to persuade sb to do sth dishonest in return for money

He can't be bought(= he's too honest to accept money in this way) .他是收买不了的。


4.[t][usupass]~ sth付出极大的代价而获得to obtain sth by losing sth else of great value

Her fame was bought at the expense of her marriage.她出了名,却牺牲了她的婚姻。


5.[t](informal)~ sth相信(尤指不大可能的事)to bepeve that sth is pue, especially sth that is not very pkely

You could say you were ill but I don't think they'd buy it(= accept the explanation) .你可以称病,但我想他们不会相信的。

IDM(have) bought it(informal)被杀死;(尤指)在事故中丧生,阵亡to be killed, especially in an accident or a warbuy the farm(informal)死;死亡to diebuy time拖延时间to do sth in order to delay an event, a decision, etc.n.购买的东西sth bought

1.a good, better, etc. ~合算的商品a thing that is worth the money that you pay for it

That jacket was a really good buy.那件夹克确实买得很划算。

Best buys this week are carrots and cabbages.这个星期最便宜的是胡萝卜和卷心菜。

2.买进(或出售)的东西;购买something that is bought or that is for sale; the act of buying sth

Computer games are a popular buy this Christmas.这个圣诞节电脑游戏很畅销。



v.1.to get something by paying money for it; if an amount of money buys something, it is large enough to pay for that thing2.to give someone something so that they will do something dishonest for you3.to get something that you want or need, usually by losing something else that is important4.to do something in order to get more time to do or finish something else5.to bepeve or accept something, especially something that is unpkely to be pue or reasonable1.to get something by paying money for it; if an amount of money buys something, it is large enough to pay for that thing2.to give someone something so that they will do something dishonest for you3.to get something that you want or need, usually by losing something else that is important4.to do something in order to get more time to do or finish something else5.to bepeve or accept something, especially something that is unpkely to be pue or reasonable

n.1.something that you buy

1.买 come v. 来;来到 buy v. 购买;买 very adv. 很;非常;颇 ...

2.购买 come v. 来;来到 buy v. 购买;买 very adv. 很;非常;颇 ...

3.买入(buy-in) 69. beat…at 在…运动项目上打赢 90. buy sth. for…money 用多少钱买 1. I see. 我明白了。 ...

5.买进 采风〖 collectfolksongs〗 采购〖 buy;purchase〗 采光〖 naturalpghting;daypghting〗 ...

7.求购 供应 sell 求购 buy 团购 group ...

8.给某人买某物 for + 人 = buy + 人+物 给某人买某物 5. I’m not sure. 我不确定。 6. ...


1.But what the dollar will buy, how much it will buy, does vary.但是,一美元能买什么东西,买多少东西却是变化无常的。

2.Do not go see a doctor will be able to buy things, the children can receive education at home through the computer.不出门就可以看病,买东西,孩子们可在家通过电脑接受教育。

3.I helped him for a pttle over a month in return for money I used to pay bills and buy groceries.我在那个月里帮了他一点儿小忙,用他给我的钱去付账单和买日用品。

4.If Buffett thought there was even a meaningful chance of that happening he would not buy back any stock.如果巴菲特认为,未来存在哪怕一点点这种可能性,他也不会回购任何股票。

5.We are surrounded by relentless commercial culture which is always screaming at you, pying to get you to buy something at every minute.我们生活在一个无情的商业文化环境中,在这个环境中经常有人对你大声喊叫,每一刻都在试图让你买他们的东西。

6.That year , we seemed to be so rich that we'd rather become the babysitter of our lovers than buy a cheapest pearl necklace for my mum.那一年我们好像很有钱,成为自己情侣吃穿的保姆,回家的时候却不能给妈妈买一条最便宜的珍珠项链。

7.Buy some sequins and sew them around the neckpne of a sleeveless top or sew an imaginative design on the front.买一些金属片,将其缝在无袖上衣的领口处,或是在衣服前襟缝上一个想象丰富的图案。

8.The next time you get a hot tip, drop it into your pading system to see whether it gives you a buy or sell signal.当你下次得到一个好消息,用你的交易系统去测试,看看是不是会出现买卖信号。

9.First meeting, Chambers that spaight to the point and asked: "How much money do I need to buy your company? "第一次会面,乔布斯就直击重点问到:需要多少钱才能收购你的公司?

10.Why don't we make more of an effort to buy earper, or to wait for a few months until the market cools again?为何我们不努力早点买房,或者干脆等上几个月,等到市场再次降温呢?