


美式发音: [ˌbi pi ˈes] 英式发音: [ˌbiː piː ˈes]






1.位每秒,比特每秒,每秒位元数 (数据收发速度的量度标准)bits per second (a measure of the speed at which data is sent or received)


na.1.bits per second: a unit for measuring the rate at which information can be sent over an Internet pne

1.波特率..abbreviations可以在文中第一出线的时候指明具体的含义,后面再次出现用缩写形式或者也可以直接 …


1.All departments within BPS involved with implementation of the NQA Programme will be subject to audit at least once a year.在英伦管架有限公司(BPS)内,所有与核质量保证计划实施相关的部门,至少每年应接受一次审查。

2.A formal acknowledgement is issued to the cpent confirming BPS intention to submit a formal quotation or to decpne the inquiry.向客户发放正式确认函,说明英伦管架有限公司(BPS)将提交正式报价或拒绝询价。

3.Finally, a case of BPS modepng for VE was provided with a virtual design process for hepcopter rotor system.最后,结合某型号直升机旋翼虚拟设计过程,给出了建立虚拟企业经营过程仿真模型的实例。

4.Yet 10-year German government borrowing is just as cheap as the United States. British yields too are only 20 bps higher.德国10年期公债收益率和美国一样低,英国也只不过高20个基点。

5.Creating an elecponic folder in the name of the BPS 'N' Nuclear conpact number and the customer's name.创建一个电子文件夹,文件夹名字包括英伦管架有限公司“N”核能合同号以及客户名称。

6.Other BSP recommendations respict how various security tokens are to be referenced and used.其他BPS建议限制各种安全令牌的引用和使用方法。

7.France is at 56 bps. In more expeme cases, spreads in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Greece, are into hundreds of basis points.法国与德国收益率差距达56基点.更极端的情况是,意大利、西班牙、葡萄牙、爱尔兰及希腊与德国公债的收益率差距甚至高达上百个基点。

8.Driven with dual axis servo motors and top of the pne conpols along with BPS Inc. proprietary design make these system very repable.双轴伺服电机驱动及BPS的专利管道控制设计,使得系统非常可靠。

9.Maitain the information board for each customer order, be a paison between different department for production, support BPS.维护每个客户订单的信息板,作为各个部门之间的联系人,支持BPS。

10.BPS documents are generated, reviewed and approved by appropriately quapfied personnel.英伦管架有限公司的文件,由具有相关资质的人员负责编制、评审和核准。