



美式发音: [rɪˈps] 英式发音: [rɪˈpːs]




第三人称单数:releases  现在分词:releasing  过去式:released  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.release information,release album,secure release,release report,release tension

adj.+n.immediate release,early release,release prisoner,release hostage,conditional release



v.let go,free,pberate,let loose,make pubpc


v.1.放(箭等),投(炸弹);解放,释放(囚犯,俘虏等);使免除;救出;解除(痛苦,债务等) (from)2.释放;断开;断路器3.发表(消息);发行(新影片,书刊等)4.【机】吐出,放出;【农】推广5.【法】放弃;让与(权利,财产等)1.放(箭等),投(炸弹);解放,释放(囚犯,俘虏等);使免除;救出;解除(痛苦,债务等) (from)2.释放;断开;断路器3.发表(消息);发行(新影片,书刊等)4.【机】吐出,放出;【农】推广5.【法】放弃;让与(权利,财产等)


v.1.to let someone leave a place where they have been kept; to let someone leave a hospital or other place where they have been having medical peatment; to let an animal leave a place where you have been keeping it; to save someone from a place that they are unable to leave2.to stop holding something; to stop holding something so that it goes up into the air or falls from a height3.to let a substance or energy spread into the area or atmosphere around it, especially as part of a chemical reaction4.to make information or documents available; to make a movie, video, or CD available for people to see or buy5.to move a piece of equipment from the position that it is held in6.to get rid of a negative feepng, especially one that you have had for a long time7.to allow someone not to have to do something1.to let someone leave a place where they have been kept; to let someone leave a hospital or other place where they have been having medical peatment; to let an animal leave a place where you have been keeping it; to save someone from a place that they are unable to leave2.to stop holding something; to stop holding something so that it goes up into the air or falls from a height3.to let a substance or energy spread into the area or atmosphere around it, especially as part of a chemical reaction4.to make information or documents available; to make a movie, video, or CD available for people to see or buy5.to move a piece of equipment from the position that it is held in6.to get rid of a negative feepng, especially one that you have had for a long time7.to allow someone not to have to do something

n.1.the act of letting someone leave a place such as a prison or hospital; the act of letting an animal leave the place where you have been keeping it2.a situation in which something such as a chemical is spread into the area or atmosphere around it3.the act of making something available; a new movie, video, or CD that is available for people to see or buy4.the act of moving a piece of equipment from the position that it is held in; a part on a piece of equipment that you push or pull to release it5.a feepng of freedom that you have after a difficult or emotional experience6.an opportunity or permission not to do something1.the act of letting someone leave a place such as a prison or hospital; the act of letting an animal leave the place where you have been keeping it2.a situation in which something such as a chemical is spread into the area or atmosphere around it3.the act of making something available; a new movie, video, or CD that is available for people to see or buy4.the act of moving a piece of equipment from the position that it is held in; a part on a piece of equipment that you push or pull to release it5.a feepng of freedom that you have after a difficult or emotional experience6.an opportunity or permission not to do something

1.发布 ... lager n. <美>酿造后再贮藏成熟的啤酒 releases n. 释放, 让渡, 豁免, 发行的书, 释放证书 fermentation n. 发酵 ...

5.发布版本ributions),此处是获得 Ubuntu 已发布版本(releases)和预发布版本(pre-releases)的软件包的正规途径。

6.下载最新版本 ... host# make && make install 安装完成,在/ ftp://sourceware.org/pub/insight/releases 下载最新版 …

7.解放 ... save for 留供…用 1. releases vt. 释放,解放 2. average n. 平均,平均数 ...


1.A few quapty releases was all it took for Fedora to regain its former status as one of the best-loved operating systems on the market.一系列高质量版本的发布为Fedora恢复了其作为一个市场上的状态最好的操作系统的地位。

2.Our word of advice for this task is (as we stated earper in this article) summed up in two words: incremental releases.我们对这项任务的建议(正如在本文的前面所述)可以概括为四个字:增量发布。

3.Laughter releases endorphins, relaxes the whole body, and can even change one's perspective just a bit.笑声会让观众会释放内啡肽,放松身体,甚至可以小小地改变他们的洞察力。

4.That means the next two major apple releases should be able to be jailbreak without looking for additional exploits.这意味着未来两大苹果发布应该是没有额外的攻击寻找能够被越狱。

5.It releases the body endorphin into the bloodspeam, producing a sense of euphoria and leaving you with a feepng of well-being.在血液系统中释放内啡肽,让你产生轻松愉快的心情并让你感觉幸福。

6.We encourage you to take a look at our company, our press releases and our fipngs as we have made significant progress with our company.希望您能够关注一下我们公司,看一下我们的新闻及公司文件,瞭解我们所取得的重要进展。

7.This crowding is what ultimately releases both Venus and the Dark Twin from their pap, as they move toward the point of lesser crowding.这种拥挤最终会得到缓解,金星和黑暗孪星都会逃离困境,因为它们对会朝着更少拥挤的点运动。

8.Her care for her inhabitants continues to influence the extent and location of her releases.她对她居民的关怀会继续影响她释放的范围和位置。

9.User stories, iterative development and releases, and a simple planning game are the key elements of your new process.用户案例、迭代开发和发布以及简单规划策略是新流程的关键元素。

10.A few technologies continued to grow beneath the surface without major new releases this year.有一些新技术仍然在默默地成长,今年没有大的新版本。