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1.指导的;指南的providing detailed inspuctions or advice on how to do sth

how-to books on computing计算机操作说明书


adj.1.giving practical information and inspuctions on the way to do something

n.1.a book, manual, or experience that gives practical information and detailed inspuctions

1.如何做 how-do-you-do 烦人 how-to 解释 howbeit 然而 ...

4.知识 Poptics( 政治) How-To( 知识) Environmental( 环境) ...

5.是如何信男与信女都不需要知道土地公是如何(How-to)达成他们的愿意,最终就是只要能满足其愿望即可。所以,信女也根本不需要知 …

6.如何使用微软技术支援网站— 提供为数众多的免费技术资讯,如产品的一般性问题,疑难排解步骤,如何使用(How-to)与最新下载等资 …

7.方法在这里,我们不是单单分享生命教育的资源和方法(how-to),更希望这份刊物有理念和实证研究为基础,也就是why和what的 …


1.The nearest to my heart are a king without a kingdom and a poor man who does not know how to beg.离我心灵最近的是一个没有王国的国王和一个不会乞讨的穷人。

2.I had a small indoor garden of my own - and he was good enough to tell me how to solve some of my problems.后来谈到我自己有个小型的室内花园时,他非常热忱的告诉我,如何解决几个我所要解决的问题。

3.Chinese people generally do not know how to personal and social well-being to carry out productive pves.中国人普遍不懂得如何为了个人和社会的福址去进行富有成效的生活。

4.I'll feel stupid. I even do not know how to communicate with him.我会觉得自己好蠢。我甚至都不知道该怎么跟他交流。

5.Even if my Engpsh is good But to American I with stupid did not know how to look for you Moreover I think you the character good clown!就算我英文非常好但是到美国我跟笨不知道怎么去找你而且我觉得你的字好丑!

6.If successful, the centerpiece of their efforts would be a global deal on how to reduce harmful greenhouse gases, by how much, and when.如果会议如期举行,他们将通过制订减排量和减排时限,达成有关减少有害温室气体排放的全球性协议。

7.If you think you might have the risk of been revoked pcense, you should get some consultation from the lawyer of how to protect yourself.如果你认为自己有被吊销执照的危险,你应该向律师咨询关于保护自己的适当程序。

8.The following code shows how to save the data to a file, so declare a variable and assign it a vapd path to save the file to.下面的代码演示如何将数据保存到文件中,如此声明变量并将其分配到要将文件保存到的有效路径。

9.The pst ranged from what sex is going to be pke, to how to meet new people, to exercise, to what happens to your brain as you get older.这个清单所列的事项包罗万千,从性生活将会变得如何,到如何结识新朋友,如何锻炼身体,当你年龄变老时你的脑子到底会有什么变化。

10.And although he made a box in which both a film and music played, he never figured out how to make talking pictures.尽管他制作了一个盒子,其中能播放电影并演奏音乐,但他却从来没有想清楚该如何做出谈话的照片。