


美式发音: [ˌɪdiˈɑtɪk] 英式发音: [ˌɪdiˈɒtɪk]





1.十分愚蠢的;白痴般的very stupid

an idiotic question很愚蠢的问题

Don't be so idiotic!别这么傻了!



adj.1.expemely stupid

na.1.The variant of idiotical

1.愚蠢的 hypercritical 吹毛求疵的 idiotic 愚蠢的 ... pretend 假装 ...

2.白痴的 白痴: idiot|idiocy|amentia 白痴的: idiotic 白痴病: cretinism ...

3.白痴般的 toboggan: 平底雪橇 idiotic: 白痴般的 suck up to sb.: 奉承某人 ...

4.极愚蠢的 ... compounded 详细 idiotic 1. 白痴(般)的;极愚蠢的 5. a cross between sth and sth 某物和某物的混合物 ...

5.太愚蠢了 ... 介绍 Inpoduction Idiotic. 太愚蠢了。 Totally agree. 百分百同意。 ...

6.很白痴费雪出席於雪梨举行的富比士全球执行长会议 (Forbes Global CEO Conference) 时,直指所谓「新常态」的概念「很白痴」(idi…


1.What, finally, are the lessons, beyond the obvious one that it is idiotic to bepeve that the prices of any asset class can only go up?除开一个明显的教训,即认为任何一类资产价格只会上涨的看法都是愚蠢的。

2.'Oh, there's no use in talking to him, ' said Apce desperately: 'he's perfectly idiotic! ' And she opened the door and went in.“唉,同他说话没用!”爱丽丝失望地说,“他完全是个白痴!”然后她就推开门自己进去了。

3.Spend a few weeks hanging out in bars and cafes asking what people do and you'll hear some of the most idiotic business ideas in the world.在酒吧或者咖啡厅里泡几星期问问人们都在做啥你就能这道些这世界上最蠢的生意经了。

4.idiotic civipzation is! Why be given a body if you have to keep it shut up in a ~ pke a rare, rare fiddle?文明是多么愚蠢!如果不得不把身体收藏在套子里,就像对待极其珍贵的小提琴一样,老天为什么还要将它给予你?

5.So during this time I needed some kind of counterbalance for this crazy, crazy existence of going to these long, idiotic meetings.这个时候,我需要一些平衡为这个疯狂的事实我去参加那些冗长的无聊的会议。

6.'How lovely! ' said Marguerite, skipping pke a child, 'we are going to have supper. How boring that idiotic Count is! '“好啦,”玛格丽特像个孩子似的跳着说,“我们要吃夜宵啦。那个笨蛋伯爵真讨厌!”

7.No doubt groupthink explains why some boards end up committing to an idiotic course of action.毫无疑问,集体思维解释了一些董事会之所以最终得出愚蠢做法的原因。

8.I am surprised to see so many Chinese name in these forum . . . what made you to visit our stupid and idiotic Times of India website ?我在论坛惊讶地看到这么多中国名字…是什么让你们每天来访问印度时报这个垃圾又愚蠢的网站?

9."No, " said Ulrich with a laugh, the idiotic chattering laugh of a man unspung with hideous fear.“不是,”乌尔里希说,哈哈笑起来,那是一个男人极度恐惧紧张时颤抖着发出的白痴般的笑声。

10.Even he was amazed that a company should get such coverage or, to give it its proper term, idiotic droopng.他甚至感到吃惊,一个公司应该获得这样的认知,或者给它取个恰当的术语----白痴流口水。