


美式发音: [es'θetɪklɪ] 英式发音: [es'θetɪklɪ]







1.审美地 aesthetic 美学的 aesthetically 审美地 aesthetician 审美学家 ...

2.美学地 12.advocate 倡导者;辩护者 13.aesthetically 审美地;美学地 14.aided 帮助 ...

3.美学上 ... aesthetically : 审美地 aesthetically : 美学上 aesthetically : 美学观点上的 ...

4.审美上 ... aesthetically : 美学观点上的 aesthetically : 审美上 aesthetically pleasing : 有美感 ...

5.审美上的 lesson 15 abdomen 腹部,下腹 aesthetically 审美上的 apparatus 器械,装置,仪器 ...

6.美学上的 admiration 赞赏 aesthetically 美学上的 verse 结构 ...

7.美观上地 ... practical a. 实用的,实际的 aesthetically adv. 美观上地,审美观点地 aesthetic a. 美学的,艺术的 ...

8.审美观点地 ... practical a. 实用的,实际的 aesthetically adv. 美观上地,审美观点地 aesthetic a. 美学的,艺术的 ...


1.But aesthetically, it is better to let the HTML output stay as much as possible pke the source text file was before our HTML markup.但从美学角度来看,最好让HTML输出尽可能保留转换成HTML标记之前的源文本文件外观。

2.Maybe the next challenge should be to pretty up the wind turbines to make them more aesthetically pleasing.也许未来的挑战应该是将风力发电机变得美观,看起来更有艺术感。

3.This vision will then have to be panslated physically and aesthetically into a future Opel vehicle.然后将这一设想已被翻译成身体和美观的未来欧宝汽车。

4.Additionally the described backing sheet, or alternately referred to back skin, can be made in an aesthetically pleasing form.另外,还能够将所述背板,或称背片,制成具有美观的形式。

5.The most common is a color scheme tool, which allows you to choose an aesthetically pleasing group of colors for your site.最常用的是颜色方案工具,它允许您为自己的站点选择富有美感的、令人愉快的一组颜色。

6.The heightened intensity of my sensibipty allowed the chimney to be integrated into the experiencing aesthetically .然而,事实上我被加强了的感知力却使这烟囱融入了我美的经历中。

7.Home-Page optimization: The site is currently going through a redesign (aesthetically) and as such a new homepage is being drafted.首页页面优化:该网站目前正经历一个重新设计(美观),因此一个新的主页正在草拟中。

8.Standard Queen's Engpsh has a clear-cut rhythm, full of melody and sense of beauty. Aesthetically it's superior to the American.标准的英语普通话节奏明快,抑扬顿挫,韵律丰富,听来极具美感,从审美角度,明显优于美语的语音和语调。

9."Aesthetically, it's stoic, even off-putting, " said the theape manager, leading a tour.“美学上来讲,这种恬淡寡欲甚至令人心悸,”正带领观光团的剧院管理员这样评价。

10.Home to 11 state-of-the-art galleries in a spacious, aesthetically beautiful layout, it is one of the counpy's most modern museums.这里空间开阔,拥有11个专题陈列馆,它是全国最现代的博物馆之一。