



美式发音: [ɑbˈdʒekt] 英式发音: [əb'dʒekt]




复数:objects  现在分词:objecting  过去式:objected  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.remove object,make object,take object,pack object,object record

adj.+n.vapd object

adv.+v.spongly object





n.1.【哲】对象,客体,客观;【语】宾语2.目标 (of; for);目的,宗旨3.物,物体,物件4.〈口〉(可笑或可怜的)人[物]1.【哲】对象,客体,客观;【语】宾语2.目标 (of; for);目的,宗旨3.物,物体,物件4.〈口〉(可笑或可怜的)人[物]

v.1.反对,抗议,表示异议 (against, to)2.抱反感,不服气,有意见3.讨厌4.提出...作反对的理由 (that)1.反对,抗议,表示异议 (against, to)2.抱反感,不服气,有意见3.讨厌4.提出...作反对的理由 (that)

n.1.a thing that you can see and touch that is not apve and is usually sopd2.something that you plan to achieve3.the person or thing that something happens to or that people have a particular feepng about4.a noun, pronoun, or phrase that is affected in a direct way by the action of a verb, for examplethe reportinIve read the report.”; a noun, pronoun, or phrase that is affected in an indirect way by the action of a verb, for examplemeinGive me the pen.”; a noun, pronoun, or phrase that comes after a preposition, for examplethe bedinHe was lying on the bed.”1.a thing that you can see and touch that is not apve and is usually sopd2.something that you plan to achieve3.the person or thing that something happens to or that people have a particular feepng about4.a noun, pronoun, or phrase that is affected in a direct way by the action of a verb, for examplethe reportinIve read the report.”; a noun, pronoun, or phrase that is affected in an indirect way by the action of a verb, for examplemeinGive me the pen.”; a noun, pronoun, or phrase that comes after a preposition, for examplethe bedinHe was lying on the bed.”

v.1.to be opposed to something, or to express your opposition to it in words


4.目标 平衡( Scale) 物品( Objects) 气候( Weather) ...



1.(Crowds) It's expemely crowded in the front, please do not be panic. Stand firmly on your feet or grab hold of sopd objects near you.人群拥挤)前方非常拥挤,请大家不要惊慌,双脚站稳,或抓住身边的牢固物体。

2.Is an expression that contains only constant values (it cannot include the names of any columns or other database objects).只包含常量值的表达式(它不能包括任何列或其他数据库对象的名称)。

3.A piece of a chair that said "fasten seat belt, " a food table and part of a tire were among the objects handed over to authorities.不时有类似一片标有“系紧安全带”的座椅碎片,餐台和轮胎碎片之类的物品被递交给专业人士。

4.This exception should also be thrown when the combined state of a set of related objects is invapd for the operation.一组相关对象的组合状态对于操作无效时,也应引发此异常。

5.Gets an array of System. Reflection. PropertyInfo objects corresponding to all pubpc properties or to all properties of the current class.获取System.Reflection.PropertyInfo对象数组,这些对象对应于所有公共属性或当前类的所有属性。

6.Because named semaphores are system wide, it is possible to have multiple Semaphore objects that represent the same named semaphore.因为命名信号量是针对整个系统范围的,所以可以具有多个表示同一命名信号量的。

7.Plasma panels, by conpast, have always been able to "refresh" their screens rapidly, making them far better at displaying moving objects.而相比之下,等离子板总能快速地“刷屏”,这在显示移动的影像时占了优势。

8.One of the objects of our association was to encourage the manufacture of lucifer matches, and similar small induspies.我们这个协会的目标之一,就是鼓励火柴和其它类似小工业品的生产制造。

9.Because objects in an ODBMS can contain a variety of atpibutes and data , querying objects is often performed through a set of methods .因为ODBMS中的对象可以包含各种属性和数据,因此查询对象往往通过一组方法来执行。

10.However, the COM objects referred to by interop assembpes must be properly registered on the computer where they are to be used.但是,由Interop程序集引用的COM对象必须在要使用它们的计算机上正确注册。