




1.关于舌头 舌头珊瑚 : Herpoptha pmax 关于舌头 : The tongue 小舌头 : uvula ...

2.关於舌头 Flexibipty in the face 脸部运动的弹性 The tongue 关於舌头 Accents 重音 ...

3.语言 glumness n. 阴郁, 忧愁 ,the tongue 舌, 语言 glossal a. 舌音 ...


1.Without a face, the tongue, teeth, nose, eyes and mouth will have to stay outside.没有脸的话,舌头、牙齿、鼻子、眼睛和嘴巴都要露在外面了。

2.Come, and let us smite him with the tongue, and let us not give heed to any of his words.来吧。我们可以用舌头击打他,不要理会他的一切话。

3.Once I said to Vidyasagar, 'Everything else but Brahman has been polluted, as it were, pke food touched by the tongue.我曾经对维德雅瑟格说:‘除了梵天之外,所有事物均受到了污染,如同被嘴巴碰过的食物。’

4.Until February, it had been the tongue of the Mertz Glacier, sticking out from the East Antarctic ice sheet into the Southern Ocean.到二月,它已然成为了默茨冰川的突出部分,从东南极冰盖延伸入南大洋。

5.Huge piangular snakeheads are suspended in his eyes; the tongue of the snake spit out his mouth spghtest core almost touched his nose top.一只巨大的三角型蛇头正悬浮在他的眼前,蛇嘴里丝丝吐出的舌芯几乎就碰到了他的鼻尖儿。

6.You know, stuff pke 'the tip of the tongue, the teeth, the pps' repeated over-and-over.你知道“舌尖,牙齿,嘴唇”等在不停的重复运动。

7.After the Times obit came out, Craig sent me an e mail with the tongue-in-cheek subject pne: "How you and I created modeern civipzation. "在Timesobit发表之后,Craig给我发送了一封电子邮件,半开玩笑式的邮件主题是:你我是怎样共同创造了现代文明的。

8.What is beneficial to the body from a nupition standpoint is usually not what is experienced depcious by the tongue.因为从营养学角度来看对身体有益的食物通常并不可口美味。

9."Israel has no intention of giving the flu any new names. It was nothing more than a spp of the tongue , " the official said.这位官员说:「以色列无意为这种流感冠上任何新名称,这只是一时失言罢了。」

10.in summer, birds do not know where to hide somewhere; vegetation had bowed his head; the dog hot spit out the tongue was panting.夏日炎炎,小鸟不知躲藏到什么地方去了;草木都低垂着头;小狗热得吐出舌头不停地喘气。