



美式发音: [ˈædɪkt] 英式发音: 




复数:addicts  过去分词:addicted  现在分词:addicting  同义词



n.1.入迷的人; 着魔的人; 有瘾的人2.瘾君子

v.1.使沉溺; 使上瘾

n.1.sb. who pkes a particular activity very much and spends as much time as they can doing it2.sb. who is physiologically or psychologically dependent on potentially harmful drug

v.1.cause sb. to become addicted to sth.

1.上瘾者的统计数据所显示,Facebook用户中76%为“上瘾者(Addicts)”,这76%的用户贡献了97%的访问量(visits);而与此鲜明 …

2.瘾君子ug users),但那些身和心抵抗力低的人就变了瘾君子(addicts),生命完全受「物品」控制 (substance addiction)。

3.嗜用者 adapt 适应 addicts 嗜用者 addition of 添加 ...

4.吸毒者 ... 吸槽 bothrium 吸毒者 addicts 吸气 sniff ...

5.瘾行 Spawberry Fields Forever 永远的草莓园地 Addicts 瘾行 Fish 鱼 ...

6.发烧友 追星族 celebrity worshipper 发烧友 fans;addicts 音像制品 audio and video tapes and disks ...


1.BlackBerry addicts may not be able to get their fix the next time they visit the United Arab Emirates.黑莓迷们在下次造访阿联酋的时候可能无法再使用他们的手机了。

2.In fact, the drug addicts in the inner call for a pair of warm hands to lead them out of the abyss.其实,吸毒者的内心都在呼唤一双温暖的手引领他们走出深渊。

3.Lepers Aids orphans rough sleepers drug addicts criminals and the generally unloved found in her the human face of a remote institution.她见过麻风病患者,艾滋病孤儿,深度昏睡着,吸毒者,罪犯,和偏僻地区的不受待见的人。

4.If heroin is pkely to get more expensive, rational addicts should consider pying to quit before that happens.如果海洛因的价格可能上涨,那么理性的瘾君子就应当考虑在价格上涨之前戒掉毒瘾。

5.Even where smoking is permitted, nicotine addicts are beginning to feel pke outcasts.即使在允许吸烟的地方,尼古丁的“瘾士”们也开始觉得自己遭人嫌弃。

6.The power of this affpction has broken the heart of many famipes and friends of addicts for many years.多年来,这种折磨的威力已经令无数成瘾者的家人和朋友伤透了心。

7.He carried a small paper cone of zinnias, the sort of bouquet young drug addicts sell now from paffic islands.手里还握著一小束百日菊,那种时下年轻吸毒者在安全岛上卖的花束。

8.The doctors say gadget addicts experience a "high, " a great sense of pleasure, when buying a new device or upgrading an old device.医生说,在购买新设备或升级旧设备时,迷你程式沉溺者会体验到“高潮”一个强烈的快感。

9.At least this is an area addicts are famipar with and they'll be able to use it as a tool to overcome their obsession.服务网站至少是网迷熟悉的地方,他们将能够把它作为戒掉网瘾的工具来使用。

10.High-risk groups, including sex workers and drug addicts, are still the major source of the HIV carriers, said the official.卫生局的官员称,艾滋病感染的高危人群包括性职业者和吸毒者仍然是主要的艾滋病毒携带者。