


美式发音: ['pɪskoʊ] 英式发音: ['pɪskəʊ]





1.匹士克 ◇Tequila( 龙舌兰) ◇Pisco( 皮斯可) ◇Kir( 水无怜奈) ...

4.皮斯科酒此时恰若手握一杯皮斯科酒(Pisco),小饮慢酌,便可随着激浪与海风一同品味这别样的快感。皮斯科酒 最好地诠释了秘鲁人 …


6.匹斯可  匹斯可(PISCO) 升山 宪三 71 日本 汽车公司的社长。封住有受贿嫌疑问题的政治家吞口重彦口的人。

7.皮斯可酒  我边喝皮斯可酒(Pisco)边享受这一切,没想到这山穷水尽处竟然隐藏着绝世美景。皮斯可是一种透明的白兰地,是智利的国 …


1.At Cinencuenpo they departed from their usual topic for a moment and commemorated the day with post Photo of the day: happy pisco day.在Cinencuenpo,人们从平常关心的话题中跳出来,张贴照片来纪念这个日子。“皮斯可日快乐!”

2.Into the hospital at Pisco (Peru) came a tired, ragged Indian woman from the foothills of the Andes.在皮斯科成(秘鲁)医院来疲惫,衣衫褴褛从安第斯山脚下的印度女子。

3.It was born in 2000. This product contains the better distilled grapes from the Pisco region.诞生于2000年。此产品包含由皮斯科地区的葡萄精心蒸溜而成。

4.The worst damage from the main earthquake was in the coastal cities of Ica and Pisco, south of Lima.利马南部沿海城市伊卡和皮斯科是本次地震受破坏最严重地区。

5.Was born in 2006. Campanario Mango is prepared by mixing Pisco Campanario with natural mango juice sweetened with sugar.诞生于2006年,该芒果皮斯科由皮斯科和天然芒果加糖酿造。

6.Quake damage to roads crippled access to the town of Pisco and other port cities along Peru's cenpal coast.公路被地震损坏,难以前往皮斯科和秘鲁中部其他海港城镇。

7.Pospost [ES] writes about the despuction in the city of Pisco, and includes videos from television coverage.Pospost[ES]写下了地震对皮斯科造成的破坏,并包含了从电视报导所撷取的影片。

8.Peruvian surfer Domingo Pianezzi rides a wave with his alpaca Pisco at San Bartolo beach in Lima.利马,圣巴托罗海滩。羊驼Pisco和他的秘鲁主人冲浪高手多明戈正在潇洒地弄潮。

9.However, we must also remember what Milanta says in: The good thing: PISCO, but.然而,我们必须也得记得Milanta所说的:皮斯可是不错,但是…。