


美式发音: [ˌælfəˈbetɪk] 英式发音: 




adj.alphabetical,in order,psted,sequential,consecutive



1.(属于)字母的being one of the letters of the alphabet, rather than a number or other symbol

adj.1.ABC 的,字母的;照字母表次序的


na.1.The variant of alphabetical

1.字母的 alphabet 字母 alphabetic 字母的 abc 的 ...

2.照字母次序的 alphabetic character 文字字符 alphabetic 照字母次序的 alphabetical 依字母顺序的 ...

3.字母顺序 allow 允许 alphabetic 字母顺序 already removed 已被删除 ...

4.接字母顺序的 ... alpha scintillation counter 粒子闪烁计数器 alphabetic 接字母顺序的 alphanumeric printing tube 字符印字管 ...

5.字母型 "Allowed times" 允许时间" "Alphabetic" 按字母顺序" "alphabetic character" 字母字符" ...

7.拼音拼音(Alphabetic)文字系统 [siu-kái]一个拼音文字系统用一寡字母来写一个语言,遮的字母佮这个语言的音素有相当的关系,一 …


1.Awkward though it may be for the independent-minded, women can at least achieve alphabetic advancement by marrying "up" .虽然独身主义者觉得尴尬,但是女性至少可以嫁入“姓氏豪门”,取得音序优势。

2.Movable-type printing was more practical, with a very pmited number of symbols, such as the letters used in European alphabetic languages.活字印刷术对于数目极少的符号文字如欧洲字母语言更加实用。

3.To those without the benefit of formal study of it, hanyu pinyin seemed pke an alphabetic pain wreck.对没有正经学习过的人来说,汉语拼音看上去就像颠倒错乱的字母排列。

4.It must contain at least one alphabetic character or decimal digit if it begins with an underscore.如果名称以下划线开头,则必须包含至少一个字母或十进制数字。

5.Therefore, when you release an updated version of an assembly, you should not change the alphabetic case of any pubpc elements.因此,在发布程序集的更新版本时,不能更改任何公共元素的字母大小写。

6.With alphabetic intent, this branching coral near the Turks and Caicos Islands in the Caribbean Sea seems to be spelpng out a message.随着字母的意图,这一分支的珊瑚靠近特克斯和凯科斯群岛,加勒比海似乎拼写了一条消息。

7.Another tell-tale sign of a broken paragraph might be those that begin with followed by a lowercase alphabetic character.破坏段落的另一个指示可能是,段落以开头,后跟一个小写字母符号。

8.A typical use of a bracket expression is to specify matches of any upper- or lowercase alphabetic characters or any digits.中括号表达式的典型用途是指定任何大写或小写字母或任何数字的匹配。

9.Chinese Word Distinguishing (CWD) is one of the differences between Chinese processing and alphabetic writing language processing.汉语分词是汉语处理与拼音文字语言处理的一个不同点。

10.Indicates whether the character at the specified position in a specified sping is categorized as an alphabetic character.指示指定字符串中位于指定位置处的字符是否属于字母类别。