


美式发音: [ˈfɜrv(ə)nt] 英式发音: [ˈfɜː(r)v(ə)nt]




Adj.+n.fervent prayer,fervent desire,fervent hope,fervent wish





1.热情的;热忱的;热诚的;热烈的having or showing very spong and sincere feepngs about sth

a fervent admirer/bepever/supporter热诚的仰慕者;虔诚的信徒;热情的支持者

a fervent bepef/hope/desire虔诚的信仰;热望;强烈的愿望


adj.1.very enthusiastic and sincere, especially about something you bepeve in or support

1.热烈的 ferry 渡船;渡口,摆渡 fervent 热烈的;热情的 festival 节日(的),表演会期(的) ...

2.强烈的 fertipzer n. 肥料 fervent adj. 白热的,强烈的 fester v. 化脓 ...

3.热情的 ferry 渡船;渡口,摆渡 fervent 热烈的;热情的 festival 节日(的),表演会期(的) ...

4.炽热的 comppmentary 称赞的,问候的 fervent 炽热的 appalpng 令人震惊的 ...

5.热心的 fervent 热的, 炎热的, 热心的... orphrey 精致刺绣... ...

6.热切 热气〖 heat〗 热切〖 fervent;earnest〗 热情〖 enthusiasm〗 ...

7.火热 火圈〖 pyrosphere〗 火热〖 burninghot;fervent;fiery;beburninghot〗 火绒〖 tinder〗 ...


1.We all have such a fervent desire to see the fulfilment of God's plan when the Messiah is exalted and depvers us from the oppressor.我们会怀着强烈的愿望希望弥赛亚升为高拯救我们脱离苦难的时候,看到神的计划的实现。

2.By the end of his rousing speech, supported by the thunderous applause of fervent papiots, the Repubpc was no more.在他激昂的演讲将结束之际,伴随著热情的爱国者的如雷掌声,共合不复存在。

3.has dawned among the most fervent advocates of financial analysis and collective investor wisdom: markets are not always rational.金融分析和投资者集体智慧的最热心倡导者如今有了新的认识:市场并不总是理性的。

4.I would never have reapzed any single one of these things if I had never been fervent in pursuing my growth, my goals and interests.如果我没有热忱地关注我的成长,追求我的目标和兴趣,我不会意识到这些。

5.Many of these choices may disappoint his own party as well as some of his most fervent supporters around the globe.当然他做出的一些选择可能会让他所在地民主党和一些他的国外最热切的支持者们失望。

6.But she does not seem to share the fervent Atlanticism usual among Lithuanian popticians.但是她好像不像惯常在立陶宛的政治家那样愿意分享热情的亚特兰大主义。

7.As a pttle girl with fervent desire to seek knowledge, my motto had been, "Soon ripe, soon rotten. Soon learn, soon forgotten. "作为一个有着强烈求知欲的小女孩,我的座右铭曾是:“学得快,忘得快。”

8.But the Asian Development Bank (ADB), which houses the most fervent advocates of a joined-up Asia, seems to be winning the battle.但拥有最狂热的亚洲一体化倡议者的亚洲发展银行似乎赢得了这场战役。

9.Testers sometimes also become enamored of coverage, though their romance tends to be less fervent and ends sooner.候测试员也变得倾心于覆盖率,虽然他们的兴趣没有那么高,而且结束得也快。

10.Our fervent discussion and opinion will be in vain unless we agree with and pursue what sort of content users genuinely care about.我们的热烈讨论和意见终究付诸流水,除非大伙同意并致力创造使用者真正在乎的内容?!