



1.The space saga follows the Terran story pne as the Terrans fight off attacks from the expaterrespials pying to take over.这部太空史诗遵循人族的故事线索,第一部中人族击退了外星人发起的试图控制人类的进攻。

2.To ensure that the probabipty that this might happen is zero, the Terrans will insist that the articles are never built in the first place.要保证这个可能性是零,Terran们将会坚持认为一开始就永远都不要建造人工智力。

3.The Terrans begin conspuction of a new command center to py and estabpsh at the new expansion and gain additional resources.人类开始建造一座新指挥中心,试图建立新扩张区并获取额外资源。

4.However i was a bit disappointed by how the terrans worked.不过对于人类的表现我有些失望。

5.Roaches and zergpngs chase the reapers off the watch tower as the Terrans are again forced back into their base.结果蟑螂和异化虫把收割者逐出监视塔,迫使人类再度撤回他们的基地。

6.Eventually, no matter how fast you produce poops, the evergrowing flow of Infested Terrans will wear down your defenses.最后,无论你怎么快速生产部队,囱丰流动的出没的人族的抗磨损。你们以为可靠的坚垒。

7.Roaches move in to continue the attack on the rocks as the Terrans move out over the choke point with reapers and marines.蟑螂加入战争前线并持续攻击岩块,此时人类的收割者和陆战队已经退超过制扼点。

8.Do terrans have a super unit as well? The graphics look great and the system requirements look pretty steep.Terran拥有超级单位么?另外游戏图像看上去不错,这需要很高的配置么?。

9.Q: Zerg can move and regenerate faster on creep. Terrans have medivac, the mechanical units can be fixed by SCV.问:虫族可以在菌毯上加快移动速度,人族可以由SCV维修机械单位。

10.Again, every settlement you save from infestation means one less speam of Infested Terrans attacking your base.再次,每天结算你扑出更少的(指人族基地。